Pointers in c++

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3 comments, last by Stevene 18 years, 6 months ago
Im trying to store a list of images for an object in a vector using the ZEngine 2d engine. I store the current frame (because of my inheritance method - GME_AObject derived from GME_Object) and i can't find the way to get a reference for the current frame using the iterator. it gives a compiler error, not a run-time: Relevant code: GME_Object.h

            virtual void update();
            ZImage* image;

            virtual void update();
	    vector<ZImage> Frames;
	    vector<ZImage>::iterator frame;
	    Uint32 frametime;
	    Uint32 timepassed;

void GME_Object::update()

void GME_AObject::update()
	timepassed += (int)(rEngine->GetFrameTime()+0.5); //0.5 is to round up if nec
	if (timepassed > frametime)
	   if (frame != Frames.end())
	   image = *(Frames.at(frame)); <- COMPILER ERROR
             frame = Frames.begin();
             image = *(Frames.at(frame)); // <- COMPILER ERROR
	   timepassed = 0;

any help would be much appreciated! oh yeah, also tried image = &(Frames.at(frame)); [edit: added source tags -SiCrane]
frame is an iterator. Since an iterator is "like" a pointer and refers to an element of a container you do not need to index into the container with it. To do would be like asking for "the element at the element at position n", which makes no sense. If you have an iterator and which to access the element the iterator refers to simply dereference the iterator: *frame (or use the pointer to member operator).

"Error: Cannot convert 'ZE::ZImage' to 'ZE::ZImage*' in assignment"
This is really confusing me..
Dereferencing an iterator yields a reference to the element. To get a pointer to the element you will have to take it's address, just like normal, i.e. &*frame. There doesn't really seem to be much point in storing a pointer when you already have an iterator though.

Hmm, tried every combination of & and *'s under the sun, and nothing, lol. the only reason for needing it is the bad underlying structure of my code.
GME_Object is designed for still images, and creates a pointer to that image at creation, GME_AObject is designed for animated objects, and inherits that pointer from GME_Object. and to save overiding the ::Draw() function, i thought it would be easier to just copy the address of the current frame to the pointer holder.
Thanks so much for the help, but i give up, going to go the less lazy (or not, on reflection) route. lol. thanks a lot for the time though

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