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2 comments, last by kburkhart84 18 years, 5 months ago
OK. I've gotten OpenAL setup and I've gotten no errors, yet I have no sound. I've error checked everything and I've set the listener and source positions and velocity and orientation. Is there something I could have missed, I'd post code, but it is a lot and a lot to explain. I'm not doing any separate classes where I would need to pass by reference to load the sounds as it's all in the same class. The OpenAL demo works fine. Also, what does the direction vector for a source actually represent. Isn't the doppler affected by the orientation of the listener and the velocity of the source, so where does direction of source fit in.

make sure your sound sample is monaural
It is mono, 11khz.

OK guys. My problem somehow is that the alutInit() function wasn't working right. I switched to using the alc functions to init the context and device myself and it worked fine.

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