template class typecast question

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2 comments, last by SiCrane 18 years, 6 months ago
I have a question regardin a smart pointer teamplate class Im writing. I have named the class SPoint and I have run into a problem in the following case: I have a baseclass class Base and a child class class Child:public Base I have a function that used to take a pointer to the base class (and therefor couled be used even with a pointer to the child class), and now I want it to take a smart pointer SPoint<Base> The problem I run into is that now I no longer can call thefunction with a smart pointer SPoint<Child> Is there someway to do that typecast from SPoint<Chiled> to SPoint<Base>? The SPoint template class only have two pointers as data members so it is not a problem tecnically but I want to know how to write it so the compiler understand. Another way to solve it is to put the Child pointer in a SPoint<Base> smartpointer but then I have to manually typecast the pointer at every time I want to use a function from the Chiled class (and to me thats nor really a smart pointer but a rather dumb one) Hopfully there are someone out there that understands my question, I tried to explain as clear as I couled
Even though Base and Child are related, SPoint<Base> and SPoint<Child> are not. If you want a conversion to occur, you will have to provide the appropriate (templated?) constructor or conversion operator yourself in the class.

I'd suggest you have a look at Boost's smart pointer classes, since they do implement such behaviour. You might learn a trick or two from their source code.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
thanx for the quick answer!
Yes I know that SPoint<Base> and SPoint<child> are not releted that is the problem.
I was looking for the syntax to implement a constructor in the SPoint class that couled handle the conversion.

I will google on "Boost's smart pointer" and see what I can come up with.

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