Am I understanding glFrustum properly

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12 comments, last by LilBudyWizer 18 years, 6 months ago
glFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far); Here's what I interpret it to mean: All points between (x, y, near) and (x, y, far) should be drawn to the screen and visible assuming that (x, y) is within the rectangle (left, right, bottom, top). Is this a correct interpretation?
-------- - my stupid website about warning labels.
Quote:All points between (x, y, near) and (x, y, far) should be drawn to the screen and visible assuming that (x, y) is within the rectangle (left, right, bottom, top).

Is this a correct interpretation?
That's the correct interpretation for an orthographic projection, but glFrustum() creates a perspective projection. Here's a top-down view of the frustum:
         f  \-------------/   \           /    \         /     \       /     l\-----/r       \ n /        \ /         C
The side view is similar. C is the camera position, and l, r, b and t define the bounds of the frustum at the near plane. Everything in the truncated pyramid between n and f is visible.
That seems to make sense, but there is still obviously something that I'm not understanding.

If you wouldn't mind taking a look at the following code:

	glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);	glLoadIdentity();	glFrustum(-320, 320, -240, 240, 0, 10);	glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);	glLoadIdentity();	glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);	glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);	glColor3f(1, 1, 1);	glTranslatef(0, 0, 1.1);	glBegin(GL_POLYGON);		glVertex3f(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0);		glVertex3f(0.5, -0.5f, 0);		glVertex3f(0.5, 0.5f, 0);		glVertex3f(-0.5, 0.5f, 0);	glEnd();

It's supposed to draw a simple white square on a black background.
As long as the square is placed between -1 and 1, it's visible. Otherwise, it's not. (In this case it is not visible since it's been translated to 1.1 (z).)

However, shouldn't the glFrustum command make it so that what's drawn between 0 and 10 is visible?
-------- - my stupid website about warning labels.
Quote:Original post by ChemicalImbalance
...It's supposed to draw a simple white square on a black background.
As long as the square is placed between -1 and 1, it's visible. Otherwise, it's not. (In this case it is not visible since it's been translated to 1.1 (z).)

However, shouldn't the glFrustum command make it so that what's drawn between 0 and 10 is visible?
With near=0 and far=10 you will be able to view things that are [0...10] units down the view vector. The default OpenGL "camera" is oriented to view down the negative z-axis, so what you're doing is translating the quad 1.1 units out of the screen instead of into it.
I doubt it took your glFrustum call since near is never suppose to 0 since that would make the projection matrix singular. So I would assume you have the default frustum.
Keys to success: Ability, ambition and opportunity.
Actually, I was using near as 0 before myself. It worked, but I don't know how to describe the problems I was getting. So no, you don't get a default, rather many errors at run-time. Atleast, in my case that is how it went.

Quote:Original post by kburkhart84
Actually, I was using near as 0 before myself. It worked, but I don't know how to describe the problems I was getting. So no, you don't get a default, rather many errors at run-time. Atleast, in my case that is how it went.

The openGL perspective matrix:

Note that very weird things will happen with n = 0.

Also read the specification of glFrustum.
Quote:source: MSDN
[...] you should never set near to zero.

I think that the values that divide by 0 OpenGL might check for you and not do them, but the values that don't still work, so that would explain the "erradic" behaviour. I had never seen why 0 didn't work, I just knew it didn't. Thanks for the chart.


I should've noticed that. Anyway, I'm glad it's fixed now.
Quote:Original post by Kalidor

I should've noticed that. Anyway, I'm glad it's fixed now.

Don't feel bad. I didn't see it either, and you wouldn't believe how much time it took me to find it when I had done it. lol

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