Using Solid Textures (Perlin Noise) in Ray Tracing

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2 comments, last by timw 18 years, 5 months ago
RE: Solid Textures (Perlin Noise) Hi all, Over the last month or so I have been working hard (kind of) and in my own time on a ray tracer based upon the MIT OCW. I am up to implementing Perlin noise (aka solid texturing). Alas, I have no idea how to use Ken's code (noisemachine etc...). Here was my attempt, but all I get to see are black cubes:

class NoiseMaterial : public Material
   NoiseMaterial(Matrix m, Material* m1, Material* m2, int oct) : matrix(m), material1(m1), material2(m2), octaves(oct)


   vector3f Shade(const Ray& ray, const Hit& hit, const vector3f& direction_to_light, const vector3f& light_color) const
      vector3f t = hit.GetIntersectionPoint();

      float noise = 0.0f;

      for (int i = 1, j = 1; i < octaves; ++i, j = 2 * j)
         noise = noise + Perlin::noise(t[x] * j, t[y] * j, t[z] * j) / j;

      vector3f shade = ((0.0f + noise) * material1->Shade(ray, hit, direction_to_light, light_color)) + ((1.0f - noise) * material2->Shade(ray, hit, direction_to_light, light_color));

      return shade.Clamp();

   Matrix matrix;
   Material* material1, * material2;
   int octaves;


How would I produce marble cubes like this. I first just want to the produce the green one (lower left) and then extend it to get the marble look and feel... Web Reference: Any ideas, help???? Thanks in advance!!!
I can't tell what you're doing, but noise can be negative and often is, so I'd convert it into 0,1 range (noise + 1)/2 it's range is -1,1 but it rarely spends much time near one it's normally distributed I believe so getting value next to one is rare. it still seems odd you wouldn't see anything try multiplying it by something. the lower left I believe doesn't impliment noise, it's just a sin function. the one next to it is the same sin funcion with it's x direction points jittered by noise. also noise is defined across a 255*255*255 grid so if your object has very small dimensions like << 1 or something, then you could be cought in a dark spot of noise for quite some time within your fractal loop, by the time it gets out it's magnitude might be negligible I dont' know.

try this
for (int i = 1, j = 1; i < octaves; ++i, j = 2 * j)
noise = noise + Perlin::noise(100*t[x] * j, 100*t[y] * j, 100*t[z] * j) / j;

Nope, sorry, did not help.

Maybe I'll start with something simpler. Has anyone got a simple Perlin noise example (or a link to one), in general - complete w/ source code???
I can't believe you didn't see anything. perhaps there is a bug in the noise implimentation. is your noise ever non zero?? try implimenting just one octave of noise you should still see something.


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