Need help with containers

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3 comments, last by Zahlman 18 years, 4 months ago
public void draw_all_vec(vector<int> const vec) { for(int x = 0; x <vec.size();++x) { cout vec[x]; } } How i would i generalise this for all types of containers not just vectors. Would i need to use a template method, if so how would you use a template method to generalise a container.
You would do something like:
template <typename Container>void draw_all(const Container & container) {  for (typename Container::iterator itr = container.begin();       itr != container.end();       ++itr) {    // draw with *itr  }}
Do you want to be able to 'draw' any object type or is there a subset of objects that should be drawable?

Have you considered using a base drawable class with a pure virtual draw function. Then anything that must be drawable can inherit from this class and define a function that tells the system how to draw it?

Then you can have pointers to all your drawable objects and simply loop through them and call the draw function.

template <typename Container>void draw_all(const Container & container) {  for (typename Container::iterator itr = container.begin();       itr != container.end();       ++itr) {    // draw with *itr  }}

This could be written a llittle better as:
template <typename Container>void draw_all(const Container & container) {  typename Container::iterator iter, begin, end;  begin = container.begin();  end   = container.end();  for (itr = begin;       itr != end();       ++itr) {    // draw with *itr  }}

You could even use const_iterator if you know that you are not changing the state of the object contained.

Another option is to accept a pair of iterators. This complicates the interface a bit, in exchange for the ability to output ranges of a container (rather than always having to use the whole thing).

template <typename InputIterator>void draw_all(const InputIterator& begin, const InputIterator& end) {  for (InputIterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) {    // draw with *itr  }}//...draw_all(myVector.begin(), myVector.end());draw_all(myMap.find("foo"), myMap.find("quux"));// Actually, because the map iterators will be iterators over key/value pairs// and you presumably want to 'draw with' just the value, you will probably// need a specialization in that case :/

This can also be done with std::algorithms:

#include <algorithm>using namespace std;struct draw {  void operator() (const Thing& t) {    thing.draw(); // invoke Thing::draw() const  }};// ...Vector<Thing> myVector;// ...// Create a draw object; the for_each will invoke its operator() with each// item in the range.for_each(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(), draw());// Or if we just want to output Things using // operator<< (ostream&, const Thing&):copy(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(), ostream_iterator<Thing>(cout, ""));// The "" can be any string literal; it is used as a separator between// output items.

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