[web] New Challenge : GDNet Black (or alternate skins!)

Started by
77 comments, last by Pipo DeClown 18 years, 4 months ago
Anyone actually thought about adding a bit more space between different item on the front page? As it stands now, I find it overly cluttered (yes, I know about programmer's preferred information density).
Quote:Original post by johnhattan
My votes in the above are for Classic Black 2 (pretty), Pink! (funny), and Slim (decent alternative).
when you do something right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
I'm posting this from the smart_idiot theme, very slick and resembles the new theme. I love it.
Quote:Original post by Deranged
I'm posting this from the smart_idiot theme, very slick and resembles the new theme. I love it.

Same. I'm thining about even using it more than the original theme, although it still has that problem wih white looking bad on black background for some reason...eh maybe it's just my monitor.

EDIT: Weird...after posting this it went back to the normal theme...
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- the fear of big words
Yeah, because that variable gets reset when you post. This isn't intended to be a permanent way of accessing these css styles. It's just for the duration of the contest. Depending on if we use any of them, most likely there will be a free selection that you can make and others might be reserved for gdnet+ members. Either way if we do use a theme for the site that person a) must agree to allow us to use it and b) will get free gdnet+ for a year. If they just feel like helping contribute, then that's cool too. Every little bit helps a lot at this point in time.

Michael Tanczos

The old theme is available at www2.gamedev.net
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?" - Chancellor Palpatine
Quote:Original post by chaosgame
The old theme is available at www2.gamedev.net

This availability is temporary, however. Also, I updated ra's gray theme. I think that perhaps it is a little too dark. Particularly in terms of the links on the page.. the dark green doesn't seem to be meshing well.

Michael Tanczos
I was wondering where all the dark green talk was coming from until I realized I had my history set to 0 days, making none of the links appear "visited".

Anyway, that's fixed. I also made the source boxes black on white again because the highlighting got in the way with the dark background.

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 	  border: none;	}		.boxContent {	  padding: 7px;	  color: #FFFFFF;	  font-family: verdana, arial;	  font-size: 11px;	  vertical-align: top;	  background-color: #303030;          border: none;	}/* Specific textbox formatting, for left hand navigation menu */	/* Based off of .roundedBox */	#CMS_Features, #CMS_Resources, #CMS_Community, #CMS_Members {	  position: relative;	  left: 0;	  top: 0;	  width: 99%;	}		.CMS_Spacer {		font-size: 5px;	}		#CMS_LogoAlt {	display: none;	}	/* Quote of the day */	.qotd {	 position: static; float: left; font-size: 11px; font-family: verdana, arial; width: 100%; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px; text-align: center;	}/* Layout markup */	.leftcolumn	{		float:left;		width:135px;		margin-left:5px;		margin-top:33px;	/* comment this line out if we're not lining up the tops of all columns */	}		#centercolumn {		margin-right:180px;		font-family:"\"}\"";		font-family:inherit;		margin-right:183px;	}	#centercolumn_2col {		margin-left:135px;		font-family:"\"}\"";		font-family:inherit;		margin-left:138px;	}		.centerpadding {	 margin-left: 0px;	 margin-right: 0px;	 padding: 5px; 	 width: 99%	}		#rightcolumn {		float:right;		width:180px;		/*margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;*/		margin-top: 5px;	}	* html #rightcolumn {		/*margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;*/		width:180px;		margin-top: 5px;	}	body>div #rightcolumn {		/*margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;*/	}		/* Central page boxes, for making one, two, and three equal width boxes */	.wrapper { position: static; }	.singlebox {/*float: left;*/ position:static; display:block; width:100%; margin:0; padding:0;}	.wrapper>.singlebox { width: 100% }		.doublebox { /*float: left;*/ position: static; display: block; width: 48%; margin: 0;}	.wrapper>.doublebox { width: 100% }	.triplebox { float: left; position: static; display: block; width: 32.5%; margin-right: 4px; padding: 0;}	.wrapper>.triplebox { width: 33.3% }		/* Graphical header CSS for table */	#CM_Wrapper {	  position: relative;	  height: 99px;	  margin: 0px;	  padding: 0px;	  border: 0px;	 /* overflow: hidden;*/	}		#CM_Logo {	  width: 296px;          height: 0px;	  padding: 0px;	  margin: 0px;	  border: 0px;  	  background: url('http://www2.gamedev.net/community/forums/themes/theme1/sitelogo.gif') no-repeat center;	}		#CM_AdSpace {	  padding-right: 4px;	  height: 73px;	  width: 100%;	  text-align: right;	  vertical-align: middle;	  background: black;	}		#CM_AdSpaceTrailer {	  margin: 0px;	  padding: 0px;	  width: 4px;	  height: 73px;	  background: black;	}		#CM_AdContainer {	position: relative;	top: 0px;	right: 0px;	}		#CM_MidSpace {	  display: none;        }		#CM_MidSpaceTrailer {	  display: none;	}		#CM_NavSpace {	  padding: 0px;	  height: 22px;	  background: black;          vertical-align: bottom;	}		#CM_NavSpaceTrailer {	  width: 4px;	  height: 22px;	  background: black;	}		#CM_ExOptA {	  display: none;	}		 	#CM_ExOptB {	  display: none;	}/* Footer */	#footer {		font-size: 11px; 		font-family: verdana, arial; 		color: white;		text-align: center;	}		/* Forum Style */  .img { border: 0px solid #000; vertical-align: middle; }  .smallfont {font-size: 10px}  .mediumfont {font-size: 11px}  .largefont {font-size: 18px}  .regularfont {font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif}  .path {font-size: 10px; color: silver}  .smallfontwhite { font-size:10px; color: #CCCCCC}    .head {color: white; background: #1476B5;}.head IMG {display: alt}  .headsmall {font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: white; background: #1476B5; border: none;}  .headsmalllink { color: White; }  .category {color: white; background: #1E87C7; border-top: solid 1px #46A4D1; border-left: solid 1px #46A4D1; border-bottom: solid 1px #035180; border-right: solid 1px #035180;}  .postcell {font-size: 12px; background: #0071BC; color: white}  .altforumcell {background: #303030; border: none;}  .forumcell {background: #202020; border: none;}  .announcecell {overflow: auto; color: white; background: #404040; border: none;}  .post_dateline {background: #303030; font-size: 10px; border: none; color: #C0C0C0;}  .post_author {background: #404040;/*#9CAAC7;*//*#ADBBD8;*//*#CFDDF1*//*#C0CAD5*//*#DAE0E6;*/ font-size: 11px;vertical-align: middle; border: none;}

.post_body {background: #000000; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border: none; }
.post_separator {font-size: 10px; background: #000000; width: 95%; border: none;}
.post_trailer {background: #404040; font-size: 10px; border: none;}

.threadhighlight {background: #003366}
.time {color: #c0c0c0}
.staff { color: #10AB10; }
.moderator { color: #CB021A; }
.premium { color: #D27A1E; }
.premiumusernames { color: #D27A1E; font-weight: normal; }
.suspended { color: pink; text-decoration: line-through;}
.banned { color: red; text-decoration: line-through; }
.quote { font-size: 11px; background: #303030; border: none;}
.quote .quote { font-size: 11px; background: #383838;/*#EBEBDF;*/ border: none;}
.quote .quote .quote { font-size: 11px; background: #404040;/*#E0E0D4;*/ border: none;}
.quote .quote .quote .quote { font-size: 11px; background: #484848;/*#D5D5C9;*/ border: none;}
.forumrules {border: solid #555555 2px; background: #000000; font-family: verdana, sans-serif; color: white; font-size: 10px}
.source {background: #FFFFFF; border: none; font-family: Courier New; color: black; font-size: 9pt; width: 95%; height: 250px; overflow: auto; padding: 3px;}
.editedby {color: #C0C0C0; font-size: 10px;}
.register_required { color: red}

/* The .code style is causing problems in articles because it is used inline with text, so I'm removing the border and reducing the padding - KH */
/* We will need an "inlinecode" style for use of inline functions/constants in articles. I like the original .code - it's just not working for these articles. */
/*.code {font-family: Courier New; font-size: 10pt; color: #477280; background: #F7F7EB; padding: 8px 8px 8px 8px; border: solid 1px #5B5D82}*/
.inlinecode { font-family: Courier New; font-size: 10pt; color: #477280; }
/* Once we get some articles converted to inlinecode we can put the code padding back to 8px */
.code {font-family: Courier New; font-size: 10pt; color: #477280; background: #F7F7EB; padding: 2px 2px 2px 2x; border: solid 1px #5B5D82}
.vbcode {font-family: Courier New; font-size: 11px; color: #ADD8E6}
.codecomment {font-family: Courier New; font-size: 10pt; color: #9999FF}

/* Developer Journal Calendar */
.calendarhead {
font-family:tahoma,verdana, arial, sans-serif;
background: #1476B5;

.calendar {
font-family:verdana, arial, sans-serif;

.calendarsel {
font-family:verdana, arial, sans-serif;

.calendarlink { color:white; }

/* Bookmarks tabs */

ul#tabnav {
font: bold 11px verdana, arial, sans-serif;
list-style-type: none;
padding-bottom: 24px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #333399;
margin: 0;

ul#tabnav li {
float: left;
height: 21px;
background-color: #20205C;
margin: 2px 2px 0 2px;
border: 1px solid #3333AD;

body#tab1 li.tab1, body#tab2 li.tab2, body#tab3 li.tab3, body#tab4 li.tab4 {
border-bottom: 1px solid #333399;
background-color: #333399;

body#tab1 li.tab1 a, body#tab2 li.tab2 a, body#tab3 li.tab3 a, body#tab4 li.tab4 a {
color: white;

#tabnav a {
float: left;
display: block;
color: #a09dc3;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 4px;

#tabnav a:hover {
background: #5555DD;
color: white;

Quote:Original post by Michael Tanczos
Depending on if we use any of them, most likely there will be a free selection that you can make and others might be reserved for gdnet+ members.

It's very easy to set a custom stylesheet on a per-site basis in Firefox. Subscribing to GDNet+ has many incentives already, and I don't think crippling things for normal users would create many converts. $0.02.
when you do something right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
Quote:Original post by oscinis
Quote:Original post by Michael Tanczos
Depending on if we use any of them, most likely there will be a free selection that you can make and others might be reserved for gdnet+ members.

It's very easy to set a custom stylesheet on a per-site basis in Firefox. Subscribing to GDNet+ has many incentives already, and I don't think crippling things for normal users would create many converts. $0.02.

It was hard enough as is to put together a package that didn't charge for content to sell to subscribers. What it does provide for us is some stability with income.. e.g. we don't have to continually depend on soliciting advertisers from month to month to stay afloat. The entire site is practically given away as is, so it's small incentives like themes for gdnet+ that add to the mix of features we worked hard to put together. Right now we don't have near the number of subscribers we could have or would like.. and we spend a good deal of time scratching our heads over what it would take to really sell it to everyone.

Each and every person who uses the site consumes some very real dollar amount of resources we have to pay for.. whether they are subscribers or not. It's the pitfalls of running a large site that the aggregate cost of these users can be immense. You have to find creative ways to keep things going. These are behind-the-scenes issues we deal with on a daily basis that most users never know about or have to worry about.

Michael Tanczos

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