Registry Reading

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4 comments, last by iMalc 18 years, 4 months ago
Hey guys, after searching and looking through some tutorials, i cant seem to find a simple example of reading from an existing registry key, or writing a creating a new registry key. This is one of those things, I would expect is well documented and easy to pick up, but im finding it pretty difficult.
Is it not CreateRegisteryKey()?
/***********************************************************************************************Get keys function	written by Aaron Holland	14 Mar 2000		This function returns a key value 		KeyName:	A sub key.   (can contain \'s)	AttribName:	The attribute name.		returns:	A string value of the Data***********************************************************************************************/char* GetRegSetting(HKEY TopLevel, LPCSTR KeyName, LPSTR AttribName){		//declare variables	long KeySize = 255;	HKEY KeyPointer;	if(DEBUG){		printf("KeyName: %s\n", KeyName);		printf("AttribName: %s\n", AttribName);	}	RegOpenKeyEx(TopLevel, KeyName, NULL, KEY_READ, &KeyPointer);	RegQueryValueEx(KeyPointer, AttribName, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)output, (LPDWORD)&KeySize);	RegCloseKey(KeyPointer);	if(DEBUG){		printf("Read registry value: %s\n", output);	}		return output;}/***********************************************************************************************Set keys function	written by Aaron Holland	1 Nov 2000		This function sets a key value 		KeyName:	A sub key.   (can contain \'s)	AttribName:	The attribute name.	Value:		A value for the attribute***********************************************************************************************/void SetRegSetting(HKEY TopLevel, LPCSTR KeyName, LPSTR AttribName, const BYTE* Value, int Size){		//declare variables	DWORD KeySize = (DWORD)Size;	HKEY KeyPointer;	if(DEBUG){		printf("KeyName: %s\n", KeyName);		printf("AttribName: %s\n", AttribName);	}	RegOpenKeyEx(TopLevel, KeyName, NULL, KEY_WRITE, &KeyPointer);	RegSetValueEx(KeyPointer, AttribName, NULL, REG_SZ, Value, KeySize);	RegCloseKey(KeyPointer);	if(DEBUG){		printf("Wrote registry value: \n%s\n", Value);	}}

No keys actually being created here, but should get you started. MSDN for RegOpenKeyEx and there will probably be links to CreateKey etc...
For the creating stuff, Evil Steve has a great post here.
I'm rather fond of ATL's CRegKey myself.
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