Pac Man in 3DsMax

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2 comments, last by Segmoria 18 years, 4 months ago
This is possibly quite a dumb question...But I'm having severe mental block hehe. I'm writing 3dpac man, and need to model pacman in 3dsmax...Got the sphere, but cant remember how to remove a segment of the sphere to make the mouth. I know it can be done easily...I've done it before, just cant remember how. I'm using 3dsmax 6... Any help would be appreciated, Cheers
Convert it to a poly object, cut it up with the slice tools and delete or extrude the face. Is that what you wanted or have I misunderstood you?
well the easiest way is to use boolean, create the sphere, next create a wedge. then go to compound objects, then place that wedge where you want the mouth to be, next with the wedge still selected click boolean, then click "pick operand B" and select the sphere, now the wedge should have been subtracted from the sphere and you should have a mouth opening. you may need to change a few of the boolean settings to get this right, but thats easier in my opinion.
-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert
Another very easy way to do the Pacman model is to create a standard primitive Sphere and from the list of its parameters, turn on the "Slice On" and set the "Slice From" values to somewhere around 300-320. By keyframing those parameters you can then very easily animate the Pacman's mouth munching around.

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