Something like collisions detection

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2 comments, last by mavic 18 years, 4 months ago
Hello you all, first of all i am a real n00b when it comes to opengl. I have read most of nehe’s tutorials and started to play with the source, then I came up with this (see my source). Now I can move a box around on a really long white “road” but on that “road” there is a blue “jump/box” and I don’t want to go trough it I want to go over it. Can some tell me how this is done? I am not attending to write Quake X or so, I just want to know some basics so I know what I am talking about when it comes to GL
I recommend you use a 3rd party engine. I-COLLIDE is excellent, and recommended by the OpenGL developers.
First of all opengl has nothing to do with collision detection. Collision detection is about math.
There are several articles on collision detection in the article section (here). You will probably want to start with something simple such as sphere or bounding box collisions.
There is also a collision detection tutorial on nehe (here).
____________________________________________________________Programmers Resource Central
Thanks for the quick reply's i will read the tutorials you gave me.
If some else has some other information i can use please let me know.

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