Another mp3 from me

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8 comments, last by Arglebargle 18 years, 4 months ago
The newest thing I've been working on. About a month ago I lost my HD that happened to have 90% of the last 2 years work on it. I thought I had it backed up on my 2nd drive but... did not. I'm starting over from scratch and this is the first thing I've had time to do. hope you like it. p.s I now have 3 harddrives and one is a mirror of my music drive. It wont happen again! Jeff Northam.
Sounds great! That style of music is one of my favorites, so I definitly love it. Sorry to hear about your HD loss! I know I'm in a similar position right now where I have so much on my HD, but have yet to back it up, I'm going to hopefully take care of that over the Christmas break though. Anyways great work, I don't have any suggestions on it. Keep up the good work! Oh and is this just stuff you are doing for portfolio, or is it for like a project, game, movie, etc..?
Though not quite what I'm into personally, I did actually enjoy it and it did sound very professional. Great work (and site)!
when you do something right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
Great piece Jeffie. If I can offer any advice, I would simply recommend adjusting the volume on the drum track a little. It is a little to prevalent in the mix. Bring out your other great musical elements! :)

Thanks for sharing,
Sean Beeson | Composer for Media
I'm glad to hear another piece from you, but sorry to hear about your hard drive! I lost mine a while back and had to re-edit some thirty thousand pictures and thousands of hours of video. Now I tend to burn everything onto DVDs and keep a copy in a safe deposit box (can't really afford to back up my terabyte of current hard drive data on more hard drives...).

This song could very well back up a Halo level. Very nice [wink]. I particularly like the way you did the ending...
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
loosing data always sucks and happens way to often. Always back up to disk. You can never create something you musically lost, so never try. As for the song it is quite nice, although you could do with some better drum samples IMO. keep it up.
Wow. That was awesome. Sounded very professional, and I would definitely buy an album with that music on it.
Quote:Original post by jeffie7
The newest thing I've been working on.

About a month ago I lost my HD that happened to have 90% of the last 2 years work on it. I thought I had it backed up on my 2nd drive but... did not.

I'm starting over from scratch and this is the first thing I've had time to do.

hope you like it.

p.s I now have 3 harddrives and one is a mirror of my music drive. It wont happen again!

Jeff Northam.

I've been there, I feel your pain. I moved to media storage both on and off the net to preserve my work.

I like the piece, it flows smoothly and is arranged rather well. I'll keep an ear out for more of your work.

Thanks for all the kind words! Maybe if Im lucky I'll get to work on something new this weekend.

I just got done with a 14 hour workday at my full time job. I'm heading off to bed so I can wake up in 6 hours and head back. The more I work the less I play music =(

Cool stuff... smooth, atmospheric, and chilled. Nice work. :)

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