how to use function of IDirect3DSurface9 interface

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3 comments, last by Illco 18 years, 4 months ago
Hi all, i want use function : GetPrivateData of IDirect3DSurface9 but i do not know parameter of this function, it have 3 param is: 1. REFGUID refguid, 2. void *pData, 3. DWORD *pSizeOfData pls help me how to use it? thanks alot. DAVID, [Edited by - thuong on December 1, 2005 7:36:17 AM]
There is no such function. GetPrivateData() only exists in the IDirect3DResource9 interface of which IDirect3DSurface9 does not inherit (according to my SDK 2005 docs).

Various GUIDs are defined for various resource types and they identify what you want to retrieve from the resource. You can also create your own GUIDs and put data in the resource. The other two parameters are to receive the specified data.

thanks alot
how to get GUID of backbuffer?
GUIDs are used to access subparts of resources by tagging them with IDs. The back buffer is not a subpart of a resource; it is an instance of a surface. As far as I know you cannot obtain it through GUIDs.

Perhaps you want to share with us what it is you are trying to do? If you want to obtain the back buffer, use GetSwapChain() and GetBackBuffer() on IDirect3DDevice9 and IDirect3DSwapChain9.


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