how to use find_if and other functors ?

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6 comments, last by Fruny 18 years, 4 months ago

#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

typedef struct _tagKeyType
	int iKey;
	double dKey;
}KeyType, *PKeyType;

typedef struct _tagValueType
	int iValue;
	double dValue;
}ValueType, *PValueType;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	map<KeyType*, ValueType> Foo;
	KeyType key={0, 0.0};
	ValueType value={0, 0.0};

        //Insert some node to this map,
        //I just insert some stack object here to demostrate it
	Foo[&key] = value;
        Foo[...] = ...
        //? How to write it here?
        map<KeyType*, ValueType>::Iterator iter = find_if(.....)

	return 0;

Presently, I write this example, I want to know,how to complete this find_if function using stl algorithm. The code maybe like this:

for(iter = begin; iter !=end; iter ++)
   if(iter->second.iKey == somevalue)
         return iter;

E.g., I want to find_if use the iKey value as the conditions and I also want to use the most helpful of STL but not my own method to find it. Thanks!

First, find_if() is not a functor. A functor is an object that act like a function. To be able to do so, it has to override the operator(), like in this example:
struct MyComparisonFunctor{  bool operator()(int param1, int param2)  {    return param1 < param2;  }};

Calling this code is trivial:
MyComparisonFunctor functor;if (functor(1, 2)) {  std::cout << "1 < 2!!!!11 Incredebal!!!11" << std::endl;}

std::find_if uses a predicate to perform the comparison. A predicate is either a functor or a function pointer. A correct way to use find_if is to define a function like this:
std::vector<int> v;bool find_my_key(int k){  if (k == 32) return true;  return false;}// use find_if:std::vector<int>::iterator iter = std::find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), find_my_key);

Another way is to define a functor. In this case, it is considered a good practice to inherit this functor from either std::unary_function or std::binary_function (depending on your needs, of course):
#include <functional>struct FindKey : public std::unary_function<int, bool>{  FinKey(const argument_type& key_to_find) : mKeyToFind(key_to_find) { }  result_type operator() (const argument_type& value)  {    return (result_type) (value == mKeyToFind);  }private:  argument_type mKeyToFind;}// use find_if:FindKey finder(32);std::vector<int>::iterator iter = std::find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), finder);

I'd like to add one more thing: if you want to find if an object exists in the map I suggest you to use map<>::find() instead of std::find_if(). The former might be optimized to find your key faster, while the later will force you to run a O(n) algorithm. Of course, your search need might be different (and maybe a map is not the correct container to use then).

Hi, Emmanuel Deloget,

Thanks for you fast reply. However, I know how to use find_if with some simple functor or function, but it seams that in this program, it could be a little difficult, as you can see, I want to compare the iter->second.iKey.

I know your suggestion, and I think it do works. But, I wonder if there is anyone who can write a more neat code here, just using stl functors, such as bind2end, mem_fun...etc, so that I need not to define my own functor or functions.

I don't know whether I have express myself clearly.
Any way, thanks for your kind reply!! :)
Is there any comments?
Making it work with find_if in your example is just as simple:

struct MyUnaryFunctor{  MyUnaryFunctor(int i) : m_i(i) { }  bool operator()(const std::pair<KeyType*,ValueType> &m1)  {    return param1.second.iKey == m_i;  }  int m_i;};
I mean that whether I can use existing STL functors, algoriths..etc to realize this functionality without write my own functor.

Keep it up!
You could provide an operator == for your type, and then use a combination of std::bind2nd and std::equals<type>
Quote:Original post by KevinLee
I mean that whether I can use existing STL functors, algoriths..etc to realize this functionality without write my own functor.

That's the purpose behind boost::bind, boost::mem_fn, boost::lambda, Phoenix and a number of other similar libraries.
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