does anyone know a good basic language

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50 comments, last by Basic 18 years, 4 months ago
does anyone know a good basic language to start off with
Many people tend to start with QBasic. If your looking for perhaps more game orientated basic languages, I would recommend BlizBasic or DarkBasic those tend to be the favorites from what I gather, never have actually used them.
- GDKnight
Or by "basic" do you simply mean a not advanced (complicated?) language? I suggest python, in that case.
Why not just buy a C++ book for beginners, might as well start learning C++.
Quote:Original post by Mr_Goodwrench120
Why not just buy a C++ book for beginners, might as well start learning C++.

C# might be easier then C++ and will give a good solid basis of the C++ syntax, not everything but some of the more simple concepts might be simplified.
- GDKnight
Yes, I definitely agree with GDKnight. You need a solid basis and C# would give it to you. My advice is go to the nearest Half-Price Books store, or any bookstore and find a good book for beginners, you dont have to buy it, just read it at the store if you need to. Then go home and find a few tutorials, for example this site: and try some of those exersizes. Then move to more difficult material.
The C++ worshipping that goes around here is pretty funny. C++ is in no way an ideal. It's not a panacea. It's not even a good language. It became popular because it was [mostly] backward-compatible with C. No, switching to C++ won't make you a better game programmer, or programmer at all for that matter. All it will teach you is that it's possible to make an octopus with a dog, 6 planks and a nailgun.

In fact, if you want to get anything done at all, I'd advise AGAINST learning C++. We really need to do a poll regarding the language of choice/number of completed projects. I'm sure C++ would be at the bottom of the pit.

Pick a language. Learn programming. Program. Python and C# are both very good suggestions. I repeat, they should not be seen as a stepping stone to C++. They are fine by an off themselves.
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I would listen to the smart anti C++ guy :) there will always be despute about what language is the best and which is the worst. I still recommend you to pick a language, and find some tutorials to start you off... Good luck programming buddy :)
Python seems to be a popular choice. I'd most definately recommend either C# or VB.NET though, far above C++ (beginner-wise).
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Quote:Original post by jfclavetteAll it will teach you is that it's possible to make an octopus with a dog, 6 planks and a nailgun.

Really, only 4 planks should be required since the class will inherit the Dog's four legs. :D

I don't think there's much arguing that C++ is the industry standard for game dev, but a lot of us here aren't working in the "industry" and if you're a beginner, you certainly don't need to start with it just because it's what they use. Try out multiple languages with different paradigms, but most of all, just learn how to program. That will be of so much more use to you than finding out how to use multiple-inheritance etc. etc. in C++, especially since you want a "good basic language".

Edit: You may find Haskell and Ruby interesting along with the languages others have already mentioned.
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