C++, Don't quite get the result I expect...

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13 comments, last by BeatOne 18 years, 4 months ago
I used the method you guys said, I got it to work exept one small detail. It only saves the first number, aka the first loop-round..

stringstream ascii;

while(tWord[x] != '\0')
ans = int(tWord[x]);
ascii << ans;
int result = ans;
cout << endl << endl << ans;

The whole application takes a string, converts to its ascii equevilants, converts the ascii number to binary. I want to write out not only the binary, but the ascii numbers..

"The word: BeatOne is
10010-blabla in binary
and 11547-blabla-some-more in asciicode."
Quote:Original post by BeatOne
When I convert from decimal to binary bases [...]

void toBinary(int dec)

You don't (and thus the name of your parameter is misleading). All you do is print the binary representation of a number. The number itself is NOT decimal. For example you could write:


And get the result 10000 onscreen. No need to write seperate toBinary methods for decimal, hexadecimal and octal. BTW the internal representation of numbers in a computer is already binary. Funny, huh? :)
There is no such thing as converting an integer variable (int, short, long, etc.) from base X to base Y. It is a variable which represents some value, and does so by having some pattern of bits. If I have fifty-four pennies, then I may write that as 54 pennies in decimal or 0x36 pennies in hex or 066 pennies in octal or 110110 pennies in binary, but I still have the same amount of money.

Instead, there are such things as:

a) outputting a text representation of a number in base Y.
b) inputting a number from what is assumed to be a text representation in base X.

Also, don't use char arrays to represent your text. Use std::string.
For the case of writing out the binary representation of an integer...
std::bitset<sizeof(int) * 8> bs(val);std::cout<<bs;

Boy isn't the standard library nice?

In time the project grows, the ignorance of its devs it shows, with many a convoluted function, it plunges into deep compunction, the price of failure is high, Washu's mirth is nigh.

Oh well, as long as the code produces the result I want, I don't really care if the value is converted or just written out. But thanks anyway. :)

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