Frustum AABB intersection

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0 comments, last by dawidjoubert 18 years, 4 months ago
Hello, I have a little math problem. Can someone help me with a method which scales down an AABB so it fits inside a given frustum. My AABB is basically defined as: D3DXVECTOR3 minPt; D3DXVECTOR3 maxPt; While the frustum has: D3DXVECTOR3 pntList[8]; D3DXPLANE camPlanes[6]; int nVertexLUT[6]; thx, Kenzo
Find the center point of the AABB, find the distance to all 6 planes, then find the closest distance.

Now do a ratio scalling where the AABB Point furtherest from the center is scaled to equal this now distance

float distance;
vector Center = (minPt+MaxPt)/2;
for (int f=0;f < 6;f++)
if (GetPlaneDistance(plane,center)) distance = GetPlaneDistance(plane,center);

Resize the AABB to fit into the Sphere Center with Radius = Distance

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