Leveraging OOP

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12 comments, last by bytecoder 18 years, 3 months ago
Given the following classes and inheritance that is in place, how can I assign the appropriate icons to each KIND of Robot (as you can see I am doing with the MasterRobot) without having to duplicate the same code in the constructor for each class?

public class Object
	public Image icon;

public class Robot : Object
	public string owner;
	public bool is_enemy;

public class MasterRobot : Robot
	public MasterRobot()
			icon = Image.FromFile("images\\mr_friendly.bmp");
			icon = Image.FromFile("images\\mr_enemy.bmp");

public class Medic : Robot

public class Engineer : Robot

public class Destroyer : Robot

public class Wall : Object

I suggest that you create a base class constructor that receives the 'enemy' and 'friend' filenames, and pass them to this constructor from the constructor of the derived classes.
Quote:Original post by ToohrVyk
I suggest that you create a base class constructor that receives the 'enemy' and 'friend' filenames, and pass them to this constructor from the constructor of the derived classes.

Can you give me a source code example? I don't quite see how this helps.
You will need to write at least two things: the names of the files and a short command to explain what to do with them. You will not be able to make things any shorter. My suggestion is to use:

class BaseClass {  protected BaseClass( string friend, string enemy ) {    if( friendly ) { /* load friend */ }    else { /* load enemy */ }  }  public BaseClass( ) : this( "BaseFriend.tga", "BaseEnemy.jpg" ) {  }}class Derived : public BaseClass {  public Derived( ) : base( "DerivedFriend.tiff", "DerivedEnemy.gif" ) {  }}

This reduces the amount of additional characters to be typed to :base(,) for each derived class.
Quote:Original post by ToohrVyk
You will need to write at least two things: the names of the files and a short command to explain what to do with them. You will not be able to make things any shorter. My suggestion is to use:

*** Source Snippet Removed ***

This reduces the amount of additional characters to be typed to :base(,) for each derived class.

So like this?

public class Object{	public Image icon;}public class Robot : Object{	public string owner;	public bool is_enemy;	public Robot()	{					}	protected Robot(string friendly_image, string enemy_image) 	{		if(!is_enemy)		{			icon = Image.FromFile(friendly_image);		}		else 		{			icon = Image.FromFile(enemy_image);		}	}				}public class MasterRobot : Robot{	public MasterRobot( ) : base( "images\\mr_friendly.bmp", "images\\mr_enemy.bmp" ) 	{	}}	public class Medic : Robot{	public Medic( ) : base( "images\\med_friendly.bmp", "images\\med_enemy.bmp" ) 		{	}}public class Engineer : Robot{	public Engineer( ) : base( "images\\eng_friendly.bmp", "images\\eng_enemy.bmp" ) 		{	}	}public class Destroyer : Robot{	public Destroyer( ) : base( "images\\dest_friendly.bmp", "images\\dest_enemy.bmp" ) 		{	}}public class Wall : Object{	public Wall()	{		icon = Image.FromFile("images\\wall.bmp");			}}
class Robot:public Object {  *insert base robot code here*public:  Rect rect;};class ImageView: public View {  Image image;  Object& object;public:  ImageView(std::string filename, Object& object_):image(filename), object(object_) {}  void render(Surface& screen) {    screen.draw(image, object.rect);  }};...Robot* robots = {new MasterRobot(), new Medic()};ImageView robot_views = {ImageView("master_robot.png"), ImageView("medic.png")};
bytecoder: the OP wants to specify the graphics per-class, not per-instance. (and is using C#, not C++)
Quote:Original post by ToohrVyk
bytecoder: the OP wants to specify the graphics per-class, not per-instance. (and is using C#, not C++)

Correct on both counts. I think I have my answer now....I tested and it seems to be working just fine.

I had another question:

//Instead of doing this:public class Destroyer : Robot{     public Destroyer( ) : base( "images\\dest_friendly.bmp", "images\\dest_enemy.bmp" )           {     }}//Can I somehow do THIS:public class Destroyer : Robot{     public Destroyer( ) : base( iType.DestroyerFriendly, iType.DestroyerEnemy)           {     }}iType.DestroyerFriendly = "images\\dest_friendly.bmp"iType.DestroyerEnemy = "images\\dest_enemy.bmp"

What is a nice way to do this...make things a little cleaner?
Quote:Original post by ToohrVyk
bytecoder: the OP wants to specify the graphics per-class, not per-instance. (and is using C#, not C++)

That's what mine does (it's actually even more flexible). Look into Model-View-Controllers.

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