I've made my first game, Do I ready for 3D

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4 comments, last by caldiar 18 years, 3 months ago
I've just completed my first game. It's very very simple. Check it here: My First Game (link works only when my computer is turned on) Do I ready to go in the complex world of 3D programing ? [totally]
______________________________Excited of C++Keen on C++Love C++Bulgarian Pirate :)
Nice game!
Now make it a Snake-clone [smile].

PS: Try something more difficult before jumping into 3D [smile]

Keep up the good work!
I think its a fairly decent game, but its very easy, even on impossible. How about making the map shrink, or maybe dragging what you pick up behind you (like snake!)
Yeah, I'd recommend staying in 2D for a while. I took a class on OpenGL in college and it definitely wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be.

I'm now building my first "real" 3D game using Ogre 3D. This makes things easier, but understanding 3D math, rotations, and translations is really important.
-Chris B.
There are a few flicker issues on my machine. You might try implementing a double buffer.
-Chris B.
hahaha great game. I really dig it =)

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