DX8 input !!!

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2 comments, last by Janju 23 years, 3 months ago
Can someone of the real DirectX8 programmes please add DirectInput(only Keyboard please) to one of the new D3D8 SDK tutorial samples and email it to me? I am sure that an expert could do this in less than 3 mins (hack). The examples i have seen are all far too complicated for me and/or in DX7 . Maybe there is allready some tut like that out there ... then please give me a link . Edited by - Jonus on January 11, 2001 1:51:08 PM
If you can wait until the weekend you may well see an immediate input mouse & keyboard DirectInput 8 tutorial on my site. It will probably be followed by a buffered input version and a joystick tutorial.

Just because you''re outnumbered doesn''t mean you''re wrong.


Of course i will wait to see ur new tut . The problem is that i don''t get D3D & DI(Keybord) work together. I haven''t a clue about irq''s, ports and this whole gameloop thing. All i would need is an easy d3d8 demo with a keybord left_arrow and right_arrow which does change anything (Camera pos, objects, color - simply nothing too complicated). I hope ur tut explains that.
Sorry for my bad english.
To all who just started to learn DX8 and want to learn Dinput8, download my sample here it uses the sourcecode of the dinput tutorial of the SDK plus the D3D/Tut03_Matricles sourcecode. Enjoy . Thanks Simon.

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