How To Make A Scoreboard?

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2 comments, last by Zahlman 18 years, 3 months ago
Hi there. I want to be able to make a scoreboard, where different players or teams are sorted by the number of points they have scored. (Think of this as competition points in a sports competition, for example, rather than the scores within a particular match.) How would I go about this? Would I need to use a map of some sort? I really need a few suggestions to point me in the right direction, or even a template of some sort.
Since speed is not a big factor here, it seems you could use a map (indexed by score), or perhaps another container along with std::sort(). You could create a struct that held the display info for each team, including the score, and overload the < operator to sort by score (and alphabetically, for example, for ties). Then just apply std::sort() to the container and you're good to go.

That's just one idea; there are probably many ways you could manage a sorted scoreboard.
Quote:Original post by Jesbass
Hi there.

I want to be able to make a scoreboard, where different players or teams are sorted by the number of points they have scored. (Think of this as competition points in a sports competition, for example, rather than the scores within a particular match.)

How would I go about this? Would I need to use a map of some sort? I really need a few suggestions to point me in the right direction, or even a template of some sort.

No, you don't need to use a map. For starters, a map is an associative container and you want a sequential container.

For a small number of entries (under a hundred or so) you could even store the lists in a giant array of plain text, parse them every step, and sort them with a bubble sort. Nothing fancy is required, and performance on a modern PC would be a non-issue.

If you want to use a C++ class, the priority_queue container class might be a good option for you. Or just call the sort function from <algorithm> on a regular vector.

Fill the container with sortable objects by implementing the less operator on your team or player class, and your job is done.
Using the standard library sort is probably easiest. Easier than writing and debugging your own sort, even if it is bubble sort ;)

For example (not tested):

#include <string>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>class Team {  int score;  std::string name;  public:  Team(const std::string& name) : score(0), name(name) {}  bool operator<(const Team& other) const {    return score < other.score;  }};struct TeamPointerComparer {  bool operator()(const Team* a, const Team* b) {    return (*a) < (*b);  }};Team myTeam, yourTeam; // for example// This references the Teams that already exist in your program. It does *not*// "own" the pointed-to objects, so you should *not* 'delete' things out of the// vector.std::vector<Team*> highScoreList;highScoreList.push_back(&myTeam);highScoreList.push_back(&yourTeam);std::sort(highScoreList.begin(), highScoreList.end(), TeamPointerComparer());// Of course, if you are *already* holding your teams in some sort of container// (which is likely to be a good idea), then you can define the operator<// for Team, and just sort the container directly using the 2-arg form// of std::sort:// std::vector<Team> allTeams;// std::sort(allTeams.begin(), allTeams.end()); // uses Team::operator<

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