Text based MMORPG?

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2 comments, last by ChurchSkiz 18 years, 3 months ago
Is there any of theses? I would want to try one as I am making my own "MMORPG" which is text based, but it wont be first very big I will first make the chat, login and such ready and maybe get then team :)
go to themudconnector.com A MUD is a multi-user dungeon which is essentially a text based mmorpg. They were really popular before Everquest came out. I still play them on occassion there are some really good ones. The cool thing about them is you can play them on any windows machine with a telnet, a great way to kill time at work and it looks like your working hard causing your typing so much.
Thanks for the link. Just checked the link and its not working? Well I try again later. I have some work to do

Edit : added some text.
I'm sorry they changed addies. It's mudconnector.com . I would start with the top 10 and try them since they have the largest player bases, and usually more custom content.

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