matrices, graphics stuck together: PROBLEM SOLVED :)

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1 comment, last by mud1tza 18 years, 3 months ago
I'm writing a simple shoot em up, before starting this a couple of weeks ago, I had no experience of using directx so bear with me :) I'm using Visual C + + .NET In the DisplayItem method, I added a matrix for translation and a matrix for scaling, which are then combined for the world matrix. When i press a movement key, like the down arrow to move the ship down, the ship graphic doesnt move, it does get animated though. Then when I press spacebar, the ship and bullet graphic fly off together. When I hit space again they both return to where my ship should be and fly off again. I'm totally stuck, I spent yesterday and a few hours today searching for the solution I need. Is it something to do with identity matrices? I looked them up but do not understand their purpose properly, and adding it to my code(probably incorrectly) just caused weird results. If you could tell me the answer I need with a little explanation I would be very pleased. I have a class for creating and putting graphics on screen:

 class CreateNewScreenItem 
		float positionX; // controls  x position on screen.
		float positionY; // controls  y position on screen. 
		float positionZ; // controls  z position on screen.
		float scaleX;	// controls the scale on x axis
		float scaleY;	// controls the scale on y axis
		int ImageSizeX; // size of the image on the x axis 
		int ImageSizeY; //size of the image on the y axis 
		int MaintainAspectRatio;
		float speed;
		int Direction;
		bool ShowOnScreen;
		int animation; //(0) no animation, (1)2 images for animation, (3) 3 images for animation;
		int animatedcycle;
		LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 D3DTextureItem[12]; //Create new instance of a Texture

	CreateNewScreenItem(float ipositionX, float ipositionY, float ipositionZ, float iscaleX, float iscaleY, float iImageSizeX, float iImageSizeY, int iMaintainAspectRatio, float ispeed)
		speed = ispeed;
		MaintainAspectRatio = iMaintainAspectRatio;
		ImageSizeX = iImageSizeX;
		ImageSizeY = iImageSizeY;
		scaleX = iscaleX;
		scaleY = iscaleY;
		if (MaintainAspectRatio == 1){

			scaleX = scaleX * (ImageSizeX * 0.75) * 0.07;
			scaleY = scaleY * ImageSizeY * 0.07; 


		ShowOnScreen = true;
	void MoveDown()
		positionY= positionY - float(pixel*speed) ;
		Direction = down;

	void NoMove()
		Direction = down;

	void SetPositionX(float X_temp)

	void SetPositionY(float Y_temp)

	float GetPositionX(void)
		return positionX;

	float GetPositionY(void)
		return positionY;

	void Shoot(float TempX, float TempY, int WhoFired, float iSpeed)

	bool getShowOnScreen(void)
		 if (ShowOnScreen==true) 
			 return true;
			 return false;
	 void setShowOnScreen(bool show)

	void LoadImages(char file[],char file2[],char file3[],char file4[])
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(DX_structure.D3DDevice , file ,&D3DTextureItem);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile( DX_structure.D3DDevice, file2,&D3DTextureItem);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile( DX_structure.D3DDevice, file3,&D3DTextureItem[up]);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile( DX_structure.D3DDevice, file4,&D3DTextureItem[down]);
		animation = 0;

void LoadImages(char file1a[],char file1b[],char file1c[],char file2a[],char file2b[],char file2c[],
				char file3a[],char file3b[],char file3c[],char file4a[],char file4b[],char file4c[])
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(DX_structure.D3DDevice , file1a ,&D3DTextureItem);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile( DX_structure.D3DDevice, file2a,&D3DTextureItem);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile( DX_structure.D3DDevice, file3a,&D3DTextureItem[up]);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile( DX_structure.D3DDevice, file4a,&D3DTextureItem[down]);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(DX_structure.D3DDevice , file1b ,&D3DTextureItem[left2]);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile( DX_structure.D3DDevice, file2b,&D3DTextureItem[right2]);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile( DX_structure.D3DDevice, file3b,&D3DTextureItem[up2]);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile( DX_structure.D3DDevice, file4b,&D3DTextureItem[down2]);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(DX_structure.D3DDevice , file1c ,&D3DTextureItem[left3]);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile( DX_structure.D3DDevice, file2c,&D3DTextureItem[right3]);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile( DX_structure.D3DDevice, file3c,&D3DTextureItem[up3]);
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile( DX_structure.D3DDevice, file4c,&D3DTextureItem[down3]);
		animation = 2;

	void LoadImage(char file[])
		D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(DX_structure.D3DDevice , file ,&D3DTextureItem[up]);
		Direction = up;

	void DisplayItem()
		switch (animation)
		case 0:
				if (!ShowOnScreen)

				DX_structure.D3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZENABLE, FALSE );
				D3DXMatrixScaling(&DX_structure.ScaleMatrix, scaleX, scaleY,1.0f);
				DX_structure.MatrixWorld = DX_structure.ScaleMatrix * DX_structure.TranslationMatrix;
				DX_structure.D3DDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, &DX_structure.MatrixWorld );
				DX_structure.D3DDevice->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2 );
			case 2:
				if (!ShowOnScreen)
				DX_structure.D3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZENABLE, FALSE );
				if (animatedcycle>2)
				animatedcycle = 0;

				D3DXMatrixScaling(&DX_structure.ScaleMatrix, scaleX, scaleY,1.0f);

				DX_structure.MatrixWorld = DX_structure.ScaleMatrix * DX_structure.TranslationMatrix;
				DX_structure.D3DDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, &DX_structure.MatrixWorld );
				DX_structure.D3DDevice->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2 );


So, to display my ship graphic and a bullet I do these steps:

CreateNewScreenItem BULLET0(0,0,100, 1,1, 8,32, 1, 8);
CreateNewScreenItem PLAYERSHIP(0,0,100, 1,1, 80,80, 1, 1); 





To move the ship around and temporary bullet fire code:

if (SolarWars.keypressed[DIK_DOWN] & KEY_PRESSED_DOWN){
if (SolarWars.keypressed[DIK_SPACE] & KEY_PRESSED_DOWN){
		fired = 0;			

if(WhoFired == player_fired){
    if (fired == 0){

	float TempX = PLAYERSHIP.GetPositionX();
	float TempY = PLAYERSHIP.GetPositionY();
	BULLET0.Shoot(TempX, TempY, player_fired, 8);

     if (fired == 1){

I hope I've included everything needed to understand the problem, I have cut alot out. It IS something to do with my matrices, before I added the scale and translation matrices I could move the ship around and fire the bullet, the code was like this:

DX_structure.D3DDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, &DX_structure.MatrixWorld );
DX_structure.D3DDevice->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2 );
[Edited by - mud1tza on January 9, 2006 3:31:43 PM]
Can you post more code? I didn't see anything that stood out. You could try setting the world and scaling matrices to Identity at the beginning of every frame, but you shouldn't have to for what you have I don't think. As long as you are calling DrawPrimitive after setting the world transform, I don't understand what it's not working. However, I didn't see your SetStreamSource or SetFVF calls. Where are those?
Chris ByersMicrosoft DirectX MVP - 2005
Thank you for trying to help Supernat, the problem was where I thought it should be, in the DisplayItem method, using TranslationMatrix, I shouldnt have been using it at all :)

This is what I changed it to:

DX_structure.D3DDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ZENABLE, FALSE );  				D3DXMatrixTranslation(&DX_structure.MatrixWorld,positionX,positionY,positionZ);D3DXMatrixScaling(&DX_structure.ScaleMatrix, scaleX, scaleY,1.0f);				DX_structure.MatrixWorld = DX_structure.ScaleMatrix * DX_structure.MatrixWorld;DX_structure.D3DDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, &DX_structure.MatrixWorld );DX_structure.D3DDevice->SetTexture(0,D3DTextureItem[Direction+(animatedcycle*4)]);DX_structure.D3DDevice->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2 );

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