Can't change an Allegro project in DevC++

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2 comments, last by Gameteen 18 years, 3 months ago
Well, I'm back to bug those who actually know something. I received the book "Game Programming All in One" and, after recovering from shock and setting things up (according to the book), I ran the examples. Lo and behold, when ever I change and recompile, I get these errors: cc1.exe C:\Dev-Cpp\My Projects\dev-cpp\chapter04\tankwar\cc1.exe unrecognized command line option "-fsave-memoized" C:\Dev-Cpp\My Projects\dev-cpp\chapter04\tankwar\ [Build Error] [main.o] Error 1 If you know what's wrong, thx in advance!
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Remove the -fsave-memoized command line option?
What version of dev-cpp are you using? What version of GCC does it run on?
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan

Oops, stupid me!

The allegro devpack is version 4.0.3, Dev-C++ is, using Mingw/GCC 3.4.2 . As the first post says, the examples run ok, until you change the code and recompile, in which case you get the errors mentioned above.
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Thanks for the help, Fruny!

Apparently, the project options were set with the -fsave-memoized. Disabling it fixed everything!

thx again!
Disclaimer: The contents of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any sane person, and may in fact, contradict such views. Deal with it. ;)

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