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5 comments, last by Fruny 18 years, 3 months ago

// psesudo code
class SM
  typedef map<TYPE> entityType
  map<TYPE> getentityMap() {return ...}
  map<TYPE> entityMap;

void update()
  SM::entityType temp getentityMap();
  SM::entityType::Iterator iter;

//it seem to complex.

//I see a engine do this way:

void update()
for(int i=0;i<something.size();i++)
//it look simple.

1. how to use for(int i...) instead of iterator(it need know SM::entityType) 2. are there any solution else? [Edited by - luasitdown on January 12, 2006 5:10:54 AM]
Put the update function in the SM class itself.
You probably want to return & manipulate a map reference, not a value.

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
// update level & level objects				{dev::Profile pr( "update.level" );				m_level->update( dt );}				if ( m_wasActiveCutScene && !m_level->isActiveCutScene() )					focusLost();				m_wasActiveCutScene = m_level->isActiveCutScene();				for ( int i = 0; i < m_level->characters(); ++i )					m_level->getCharacter(i)->update( dt, updatesInThisFrame==0 );				{dev::Profile pr( "update.weapons" );				for ( int i = 0; i < m_level->weapons(); ++i )					m_level->getWeapon(i)->update( dt );}				{dev::Profile pr( "update.triggers" );				for ( int i = 0; i < m_level->triggers(); ++i )					m_level->getTrigger(i)->update( dt );}				{dev::Profile pr( "update.dynamicObjects" );				for ( int i = 0; i < m_level->dynamicObjects(); ++i )					m_level->getDynamicObject(i)->update( dt );}				{dev::Profile pr( "update.noises" );				m_noiseMgr->update( totalDt );} 				// update camera				{dev::Profile pr( "" );				if ( m_activeCamera && !m_cfg->getBoolean("Game.FlyCamera") && !m_arcBallCameraEnabled )					m_activeCamera->update( dt );}				// update projectiles				{dev::Profile pr( "update.projectiles" );				m_projectileMgr->update( dt );}

look how to update() in a engine. is it a good structure?
Iterators are not more complicated than using the size(). You should use iterators because it allows you to you things from algorithm (sort, for_each, etc) and other parts of the stl such as erase(itt.begin(), itt.end())
You can use the counter version for any STL object that has size() and operator[] defined.

Quote:Original post by luasitdown
*** Source Snippet Removed ***

look how to update() in a engine. is it a good structure?

It really doesnt matter, as long as it works, its such a simple piece of code it will be unlikely to affect performance.

Quote:Original post by dave_
Iterators are not more complicated than using the size(). You should use iterators because it allows you to you things from algorithm (sort, for_each, etc) and other parts of the stl such as erase(itt.begin(), itt.end())
You can use the counter version for any STL object that has size() and operator[] defined.

the map object has no [] .

Entity* SM::entity(int index)
EntityMap::iterator iter;
iter = m_entityMap.begin();
return (iter+index)->second;

I do this way, but iter+index is error. why?
Quote:Original post by luasitdown
I do this way, but iter+index is error. why?

Because a map iterator is a bidirectional iterator, not a random access iterator. You can only step it one element at a time. Your indexing scheme cannot work efficiently.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan

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