why fragment.fogcoord.x is alway zero?( fragment program,fog)

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1 comment, last by jimzy 18 years, 3 months ago
I am doing terrain texture blend now.I have made it works use texture_env_combine already. But use too many passes. X700,can do it in one pass(fix-function),but FX5200,can not(?), so i want use frament program. i want blend 4 textures and 1 light map , with fog on( fogmodel:linear ). My card is : X700.It supports EXT_fog_coord. fogFactor = (end-z)/(end-start) fog color is OK . i am sure fog model is on . and output frament.position.z*frament.position.w,is OK. but output frament.fogcoord.x, ( like this: result.color.xyz = frament.fog.coord.x), i get black color,always . i think maybe i did not set correct render state . The document says "If a fragment attribute binding matches "fragment.fogcoord", the "x" component of the fragment attribute variable is filled with either the fragment eye distance or the fog coordinate, depending on whether the fog source is set to FRAGMENT_DEPTH_EXT or FOG_COORDINATE_EXT". If i set correct render state , i can get the distance i want? Or have to use vertex program? I sorry for poor English. Thanks . My shader is: # Generated by ATI's Ashli Compiler on 2006-01-17 19:51:06.\n# Ashli Version: 1.7.0\n\n\n# Instructions (Alu): 5\n# Registers (Temp): 1\n# Registers (Constant): 3\n# Registers (Color): 2\n# Registers (Output): 1\n\nATTRIB Color0 = fragment.color.primary;\nATTRIB Color1 = fragment.color.secondary;\nATTRIB TexA = fragment.texcoord[0];\nATTRIB TexD0 = fragment.texcoord[1];\nATTRIB TexD1 = fragment.texcoord[2];\nATTRIB TexL = fragment.texcoord[3];\nATTRIB dis = fragment.fogcoord;\nPARAM zfc = state.fog.color;\nPARAM fp = state.fog.params;\n\nPARAM Const2 = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };\n\nPARAM Const0 = program.local[0];\nPARAM Const1 = program.local[1];\n\nTEMP Temp0;\nTEMP Temp1;\nTEMP Temp2;\nTEMP Temp3;\nTEMP Temp4;\nTEMP Temp5;\n\nOUTPUT Output0 = result.color;\nTEX Temp0,TexA,texture[0],2D;\nTEX Temp1,TexD0,texture[1],2D;\nTEX Temp2,TexD1,texture[2],2D;\nLRP Temp3,Temp0.aaaa,Temp1,Temp2;\nTEX Temp4,TexL,texture[3],2D;\nMUL Temp5,Temp3,Temp4;\nMUL Temp5,Color0,Temp5;\nSUB Temp0.x,fp.z,fp.z;\nMUL_SAT Temp1.x,Temp0.x,fp.w;\nLRP Output0,Temp1.x,Temp5,zfc;\nMUL Temp4.xyzw, dis,Temp5;\n\//***** ******************/ MOV Output0.xyz,dis;\n\//*****here****** just output distance \nEND\n";
public Literal getLiteral(int index). Get the member at a given index. Parameters::index - The index of the required member. . Returns:: The member at the given index.getResource. public Resource getResource(int index)
if i understand correctly u can get fog working?
ive never used it with glsl, my question is do u need to use it?
im pretty sure the only reason frament.fogcoord exists is a legacy of the fixed pipeline. with glsl u can emulate that pwe vertex or per pixel

eg for per vertex fog (off the top of my head so may not work 100%),
u can easily make this per pixel fog by sticking the distance calculation in the fragmentshader

/// vertex_shader /////
varying float vec_dist;

vec3 cam_pos = gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse[3].xyz;
vec3 vert_pos = gl_Vertex.xyz;
vec_dist = distance( vert_pos, cam_pos );

/// fragment_shader /////

varying float vec_dist;
float fog_amount = ( end - vec_dist ) / ( end - start );
Add this line
"!!ARBfp1.0\n OPTION ARB_fog_linear; \n\
public Literal getLiteral(int index). Get the member at a given index. Parameters::index - The index of the required member. . Returns:: The member at the given index.getResource. public Resource getResource(int index)

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