Could you tell me how the code works ?

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6 comments, last by Jorn Bloodyscalpel 18 years, 2 months ago
I have got some code which calculates the length of a vector, but i don't understand it. The code is showed below: ======================================================== int Fast_Distance_2D(int x, int y) { // this function computes the distance from 0,0 to x,y with 3.5% error // first compute the absolute value of x,y x = abs(x); y = abs(y); // compute the minimum of x,y int mn = MIN(x,y); // return the distance return(x+y-(mn>>1)-(mn>>2)+(mn>>4)); } // end Fast_Distance_2D /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float Fast_Distance_3D(float fx, float fy, float fz) { // this function computes the distance from the origin to x,y,z int temp; // used for swaping int x,y,z; // used for algorithm // make sure values are all positive x = fabs(fx) * 1024; y = fabs(fy) * 1024; z = fabs(fz) * 1024; // sort values if (y < x) SWAP(x,y,temp) if (z < y) SWAP(y,z,temp) if (y < x) SWAP(x,y,temp) int dist = (z + 11 * (y >> 5) + (x >> 2) ); // compute distance with 8% error return((float)(dist >> 10)); } // end Fast_Distance_3D ====================================================== The author said it's base on Taylor Series. I know Taylor Series, but I don't know how the code works. Could you help me? Thank you! I'm not a native English speaker, and I hope my words are clear enough.
You see a man hidden in a black cloke with his eyes staring at you. That makes you sick.
It is simply an approximation. In the 2D version, the function d = sqrt(a2 + b2) is approximated by the function d = a + .375b(where a is the length of the longest side and b is the length of the shortest side). Using shortest and longest reduces the error. The 3D version is similar.

Here is a graph of the two functions (a is constant):

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[Edited by - JohnBolton on January 20, 2006 3:49:09 PM]
John BoltonLocomotive Games (THQ)Current Project: Destroy All Humans (Wii). IN STORES NOW!
With all those branches that 'fast approximation' is probably slower than doing it the normal way (and without the 8% error). Maybe someone less lazy than me can whip up a quick benchmark.
Faint! I have got it, thank you!
You see a man hidden in a black cloke with his eyes staring at you. That makes you sick.
i think it's called the manhattan distance.

it uses maclaurin/taylor series to approximate, however i don't know how it's derived since it has two variables and i'm very curious. if anyone can explain?
Be creative, don't copy...Greets from Holland!
Quote:Original post by OrangyTang
With all those branches that 'fast approximation' is probably slower than doing it the normal way (and without the 8% error). Maybe someone less lazy than me can whip up a quick benchmark.

I did a quick test, I got the following results:
Fast_Distance_3D: 10.3533 secs, 2^32/10 iterations
sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z): 7.68405 secs, 2^32/10 iterations
Fast_Distance_2D: 40.7154 secs, 2^32 iterations
int_sqrt(x*x+y*y): 1.39683E-006 secs, 2^32 iterations

For integer sqrt I used the following function:
unsigned int isqrt(unsigned int input){    unsigned int rest = input;    unsigned int step = (1<<30);    unsigned int result = 0;    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<15), rest -= step;    step = (result << 15) + (1<<28);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<14), rest -= step;    step = (result << 14) + (1<<26);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<13), rest -= step;    step = (result << 13) + (1<<24);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<12), rest -= step;    step = (result << 12) + (1<<22);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<11), rest -= step;    step = (result << 11) + (1<<20);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<10), rest -= step;    step = (result << 10) + (1<<18);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<9), rest -= step;    step = (result << 9) + (1<<16);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<8), rest -= step;    step = (result << 8) + (1<<14);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<7), rest -= step;    step = (result << 7) + (1<<12);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<6), rest -= step;    step = (result << 6) + (1<<10);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<5), rest -= step;    step = (result << 5) + (1<<8);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<4), rest -= step;    step = (result << 4) + (1<<6);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<3), rest -= step;    step = (result << 3) + (1<<4);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<2), rest -= step;    step = (result << 2) + (1<<2);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<1), rest -= step;    step = (result << 1) + (1<<0);    if (step <= rest)        result++;    if (input > result*result+result) result++;		//for correct rounding    return result;}

I did the test on an AMD Athlon64 3200+ with 1024 MB DDR RAM in Release mode with MSVC2005. Also I used QueryPerformanceCounter to get time.

Here is the complete test code:
#include <iostream>#include <cmath>#include <limits>#include <windows.h>#define SWAP(i,j,k) k = i; i = j; j = k#define MIN(x,y) x>y?x:yunsigned int isqrt(unsigned int input){    unsigned int rest = input;    unsigned int step = (1<<30);    unsigned int result = 0;    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<15), rest -= step;    step = (result << 15) + (1<<28);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<14), rest -= step;    step = (result << 14) + (1<<26);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<13), rest -= step;    step = (result << 13) + (1<<24);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<12), rest -= step;    step = (result << 12) + (1<<22);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<11), rest -= step;    step = (result << 11) + (1<<20);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<10), rest -= step;    step = (result << 10) + (1<<18);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<9), rest -= step;    step = (result << 9) + (1<<16);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<8), rest -= step;    step = (result << 8) + (1<<14);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<7), rest -= step;    step = (result << 7) + (1<<12);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<6), rest -= step;    step = (result << 6) + (1<<10);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<5), rest -= step;    step = (result << 5) + (1<<8);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<4), rest -= step;    step = (result << 4) + (1<<6);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<3), rest -= step;    step = (result << 3) + (1<<4);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<2), rest -= step;    step = (result << 2) + (1<<2);    if (step <= rest)        result |= (1<<1), rest -= step;    step = (result << 1) + (1<<0);    if (step <= rest)        result++;    if (input > result*result+result) result++;		//for correct rounding    return result;}int Fast_Distance_2D(int x, int y){// this function computes the distance from 0,0 to x,y with 3.5% error// first compute the absolute value of x,yx = abs(x);y = abs(y);// compute the minimum of x,yint mn = MIN(x,y);// return the distancereturn(x+y-(mn>>1)-(mn>>2)+(mn>>4));} // end Fast_Distance_2Dfloat Fast_Distance_3D(float fx, float fy, float fz){	int temp;	int x,y,z; // used for algorithm	// make sure values are all positive	x = static_cast<int>(fabs(fx) * 1024.0F);	y = static_cast<int>(fabs(fy) * 1024.0F);	z = static_cast<int>(fabs(fz) * 1024.0F);	// sort values	if (y < x) SWAP(x,y,temp);	if (z < y) SWAP(y,z,temp);	if (y < x) SWAP(x,y,temp);	int dist = (z + 11 * (y >> 5) + (x >> 2) );	// compute distance with 8% error	return((float)(dist >> 10));}float Distance_3D(float fx, float fy, float fz){	return sqrtf(fx*fx+fy*fy+fz*fz);}int Distance_2D(int fx, int fy){	return isqrt(fx*fx+fy*fy);}#undef maxint main(){	const unsigned int num_iter = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()/10;	const unsigned int num_iter2 = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();	float result = 0.0F;	int result2 = 0;	__int64 freq;	__int64 time0;	__int64 time1;	QueryPerformanceFrequency( reinterpret_cast<LARGE_INTEGER*>(&freq));	QueryPerformanceCounter( reinterpret_cast<LARGE_INTEGER*>(&time0));	for(unsigned int i = 0;		i < num_iter;		++i)	{		result += Fast_Distance_3D( result, result, result);	}	QueryPerformanceCounter( reinterpret_cast<LARGE_INTEGER*>(&time1));	std::cout << "Time to use \"fast\" distance function: " <<		static_cast<double>(time1 - time0)/static_cast<double>(freq) << std::endl;	QueryPerformanceCounter( reinterpret_cast<LARGE_INTEGER*>(&time0));	for(unsigned int i = 0;		i < num_iter;		++i)	{		result += Distance_3D( result, result, result);	}	QueryPerformanceCounter( reinterpret_cast<LARGE_INTEGER*>(&time1));	std::cout << "Time to use distance function: " <<		static_cast<double>(time1 - time0)/static_cast<double>(freq) << std::endl;	QueryPerformanceCounter( reinterpret_cast<LARGE_INTEGER*>(&time0));	for(unsigned int i = 0;		i < num_iter2;		++i)	{		result2 += Fast_Distance_2D( result2, result2);	}	QueryPerformanceCounter( reinterpret_cast<LARGE_INTEGER*>(&time1));	std::cout << "Time to use \"fast\" 2d distance function: " <<		static_cast<double>(time1 - time0)/static_cast<double>(freq) << std::endl;	QueryPerformanceCounter( reinterpret_cast<LARGE_INTEGER*>(&time0));	for(unsigned int i = 0;		i < num_iter2;		++i)	{		result2 += Distance_2D( result2, result2);	}	QueryPerformanceCounter( reinterpret_cast<LARGE_INTEGER*>(&time1));	std::cout << "Time to use 2d distance function: " <<		static_cast<double>(time1 - time0)/static_cast<double>(freq) << std::endl;	std::cout << "Garbage:" << result <<std::endl;	std::cin.get();	return 0;}
Well, I know, the discussion about sqrt has nothing new (I have checked all the threads before). I just feel curious in how the formula was derived (though i prefer carmack sqrt in fact). I think the method used in the code i posted may get well used in other calculating.

To CTar:

The isqrt function you posted i have found in glu lib before, but i don't understand it, too. Could you or anyone else do me a favor to explain it ?

Thank you very much !
You see a man hidden in a black cloke with his eyes staring at you. That makes you sick.
Ok, no more discussion is needed. I have found all the answers here:

All You Ever Want to Know About Square Root by Paul Hsieh

and here:

Computing Integer Square Root by James Ulery (PDF)

You see a man hidden in a black cloke with his eyes staring at you. That makes you sick.

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