Image Recognition C#?

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2 comments, last by hymerman 18 years, 2 months ago
I was wondering if anyone know how it is possible to perform Image Recognition with C# from a loaded image? Ive seen this done in a program, but I cant figure out how! Any advice appreciated Ash. Eh.
Can you be a bit more specific?
What do you mean by image recognition? (what should be recognized?)
What have you done so far?
Taking part of an image and recognising it on screen such as an icon or somthing.
Image recognition really is a huge task, and your question is rather vague. Image recognition is not just a simple matter of calling the ImageRecognise() function, there's an awful lot to it. Perhaps you should look into neural computing, and google for (surprisingly enough) 'image recognition'. Unless, of course, you really just want to check an icon (as you say) bit for bit, in which case the problem is simple- check each pixel of the image against what you're trying to find. If they're all the same you've got a match. Ta-da.

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