How to implement multi-pass texture in a single shader?

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1 comment, last by gold 18 years, 2 months ago
I would like build a scene which contains 2D texture and envirment-mapping texture IN GLSL. I have try to do like this: Draw() { glUseProgram(shader); glUniform1i(loc,"get2Dtexture",1); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXUTRE0); glBindTexture(2D); //Draw Some Thing glBindTexture(2D); //Draw Some Thing too glUniform1i(loc,"get2Dtexture",0); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1); glBindTexutre(3D); //Draw A Sphere } In fragment shader uniform sampler2D tex0; uniform sampler3D tex1; uniform int get2Dtexture; main() { /// if (get2Dtexture == 1) { gl_FragColor = texture2D(); } else { gl_FragColor = texture3D(); } /// } In glut console,it seems that during rendering every frame it will report "get2Dtexture invaild".... Thanks. I just want to know how to implement multi-pass texture in a single shader,because i think switch between different shaders will cost much.

This shouldn't even compile. glUniform1i() takes two integers only, no string. You first need to use glGetUniformLocation() to get the "loc" parameter for a specific program.

Further, you need to obtain the textures uniform locations, too, and set those as glUniform1i() to the texture index (0, 1, ...) that you have the texture image in.

Honestly, I would not worry about the small cost of switching shaders just yet. I would worry about making a simple program that uses GLSL and actually works, first.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
The other point, which is not clear from your post, is why you are trying to implement multipass instead of using the shader to perform your rendering operation in a single pass?

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