Why does retail runtime look bad when debug works?

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8 comments, last by sipickles 18 years, 2 months ago
Hello, With Sirob's help, I've been working on terrain rendering. I've noticed a strange thing tho, I wonder if anyone can explain? When the app is run in debug mode ( in control panel DX settings ), it works fine, texturing polys fine with shaders. However, in retail mode, the polys are incorrectly textured so each poly is very evident. In fact, each poly looks like a repeat of all the others. Has anyone had a similar experience? Many Thanks Simon
Did the debug runtime give any debug output? Try putting on maximum validation and full verbosity.

Maybe the debug runtime allows some bad things while doing its validation, but when the runtime is on (with no checks) these cause problems?

Also have you tried the reference device? Sorry, that is in debug only, my mistake.
Have you tried on another computer or graphics card?
The fully validated debug runtime has a few of these:

Direct3D9: (WARN) :Stream 0 stride and vertex size, computed from the current vertex declaration or FVF, are different, which might not work with pre-DX8 drivers

I'll try and pin down the cause.

Is it anything to do with building it with d3dx9d rather than d3dx9?
This is the part that causes that stride/FVF error:
	g_device->SetStreamSource(0, m_VB, 0, sizeof(TerrainVertex));	g_device->SetFVF( TerrainVertex::FVF );	g_device->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, m_VertCount / 3);[

but this is the definition, looks alright to me:
class TerrainVertex{public:	D3DXVECTOR3 Position;	D3DXVECTOR3 Normal;	D3DCOLOR Color;	float u, v;	float u2, v2;	const static DWORD FVF = D3DFVF_XYZ|D3DFVF_NORMAL|D3DFVF_DIFFUSE|D3DFVF_TEX1|D3DFVF_TEX2;};

Can we see your calls to DrawPrimitive, your FVF (or vertex declaration) and your vertex structure?

It seems to be saying that the stream stride you're passing in is different from your vertex size, or that your vertex structure does not correspond to your FVF or vertex declaration.

'Is it anything to do with building it with d3dx9d rather than d3dx9?'
From the warning, the debug runtime has found the difference in sizes so is probably using the correct size rather than yours, but of course the runtime does not have these checks and would just use yours.

You should always fix any errors or warnings that come up as some picky drivers will probably have problems with the causes of those warnings.

Good luck
Beat me to it :p

That looks good...hmm

From the docs 'When a FVF vertex shader is used, the stride of the vertex stream must match the vertex size, computed from the FVF.'
I think there might be a D3DX function to compute the size from the FVF so you could try doing that and comparing the result with your 'sizeof'.
They should be the same though! I'm sure D3DCOLOR is 32 bits.

I'm sorry, I don't think I can help any more...is that the only place where you use DrawPrimitive - how are you so sure it's that place?
Not obvious is it?!

To find it was that place, I put a breakpoint on every DP call, then stepped over them. This point caused the debug warning.

Thanks for trying

When you have 2 texture-coordinate sets, you specify TEX2 only in the FVF. Remove the TEX1.

Hi Simon,

Still getting problems?

I've replied to your E-mail with some info, but maybe you could pop an image up to ImageShack so we could see what the problem looks like? If it's visible in an image. I couldn't quite figure out what the problem was.

I've recently noticed that PIX tends to mess up stuff with an MDX clone of the app, causing bad texturing, so that might have something to do with it.
Sirob Yes.» - status: Work-O-Rama.
Hi Sirob.

What is PIX?

Retail image:

Debug image:

Theres a few fishy things going on - I think the far distance of the retail one is properly textured, plus I have some sort of frustrum culling problem I can't pin down. As the camera points down towards the terrain, more patches are culled! Ouch!

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