file i/o - alternatives to constant filenames?

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2 comments, last by SiCrane 18 years, 2 months ago
I have visual c++ .net 2003 and I'm wondering how I can write programs to read from and write to files that can be selected at runtime. It seems to me that traditional c++ file i/o is insufficient because it requires a constant string for the filename. I don't really want to do MFC applications - I'd like to do directx applications if possible, but would also wonder how to do this in console c++. Any help would really be appreciated.

std::string filename;

std::cout > filename;

ofstream out_file(filename);

Or, more correctly:

std::string filename;
std::cin >> filename;
std::ofstream out_file(filename.c_str());
Functions that take a const char * do not require their arguments to be string literal constants. Rather the const char * signifies that the character array passed to the function will not be modified by the called function. You can pass a non-const character array to the function.

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