I need some homework help...

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0 comments, last by Fruny 18 years, 1 month ago
Okay, I'm in an intro to C class...and I can't get one thing on my homework to work right. It has to do with the qsort function. I'm making a test score analyzer based upon arrays, and everything in my program works fine except for sorting the arrays into ascending order. Here's my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX 100

static int Compare(const void *element_1, const void *element_2)
  int i = *(int *)element_1,
      j = *(int *)element_2;
  if ( i > j ) return (-1);

  if ( i < j ) return (1);
  return (0);

  int scores[MAX], input, i, j, k, n, count[5];
  int sum, high, low, varsum;
  float average, var;
  puts("TEST STATISTICS:\n");
	  puts("\nEnter the test scores (-9 after the last score entered)");
	  i = 0;
		  if (i > MAX - 1)
			  puts("Array is full!\n");
		  printf("Score #%i -> ", i+1);
		  scanf("%d", &input);
		  while(getchar() != '\n');
		  if(input != -9) scores = input;
		  if((input < 0 || input > 101) && (input != -9))
			  puts("Error: Data Must Be In Range of 0 to 100");
		  else if(input/ 101 != 0)
			  puts("Error: Data Must Be In Range And Not Decimal");
		  if(input == -9 && i == 0) break;
	  while(input != -9);
	  if(i > 0)
		  if(i< MAX -1) i = i - 2;
		  else  --i;
		  for(j = 0; j <= 4; ++j) count[j] = 0;
		  sum = 0;
		  high = scores[0];
		  low = scores[0];
		  for(j = 0; j <= i; ++j)
			  sum = sum + scores[j];
			  if(scores[j] < low) low = scores[j];
			  if(scores[j] > high) high = scores[j];
			  if(scores[j] > 89) ++count[0];
			  else if(scores[j] > 79) ++count[1];
			  else if(scores[j] > 69) ++count[2];
			  else if(scores[j] > 59) ++count[3];
			  else ++count[4];
		  average = (float)sum/(i+1);
		  varsum = 0;
		  for(j = 0; j <= i; ++j)
			  varsum = varsum + (scores[j] - average) * (scores[j] - average);
		  var = varsum/i;
		  printf("   Average ---- %5.2f\n"
		    	 "   High ------- %3i\n"
				 "   Low  ------- %3i\n"
				 "   Variance --- %5.2f\n"
				 "   Std. Dev --- %5.2f\n"
				 "   Distribution:\n"
				 "        (90 - 100) --- %3i\n"
				 "        (80 -  89) --- %3i\n"
				 "        (70 -  79) --- %3i\n"
				 "        (60 -  69) --- %3i\n"
				 "        ( 0 -  59) --- %3i\n"
				 "\n\n   Bar Graph\n\n"
				 "        (90 - 100) ",     
				 average, high, low, var, sqrt(var),
				 count[0], count[1], count[2],
				 count[3], count[4]);
		  for(k = 1; k <= count[0]; ++k) putchar('*');
		  fputs("\n        (80 -  89) ", stdout);
		  for(k = 1; k <= count[1]; ++k) putchar('*');	  
		  fputs("\n        (70 -  79) ", stdout);
		  for(k = 1; k <= count[2]; ++k) putchar('*');
		  fputs("\n        (60 -  69) ", stdout);
		  for(k = 1; k <= count[3]; ++k) putchar('*');
		  fputs("\n        ( 0 -  59) ", stdout);
		  for(k = 1; k <= count[4]; ++k) putchar('*');
		/*  puts("\n   Scores in Descending Sequence:\n");
		  n = sizeof(scores) / sizeof (int);
		  qsort(scores, n, sizeof(int), Compare);
		  for(k = 0; k <= i; ++k) 
                    printf("         %2i   %3i\n", k + 1, scores[k]); */
		  printf("\n   Total Number of Tests -> %i", i+1); 
	  else break;

I put the issues in comments so it's easy to see. If you could tell me what I'm doing wrong, that would be nice. Though...I gotta get to class now...lol
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We do not answer homework questions on gamedev. Please ask your teacher for help instead.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan

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