i need help! - blitz

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2 comments, last by GameDev.net 18 years, 1 month ago
hi i probably made a stupid mistake but i cant get the arrow to move or pop the baloon code ;Set the Graphics mode Graphics 800,600 AppTitle "Arrow and Bow." ;Set the buffer SetBuffer BackBuffer() ;Make automidhandle true AutoMidHandle True ;Consts ;Keys Const upk = 200 Const downk = 208 Const spacek = 57 Const escapek = 1 ;The player,baloon,and arrow speeds Const playerspeed = 7 Const arrowspeed = 5 Const baloonspeed = 4 ;Types ;Player type Type player Field y Field ammo Field frame End Type ;Arrow type Type arrow Field x Field y End Type ;Baloon type Type baloon Field x Field y Field hits Field yv End Type ;Images ;Player image Global playerimage = LoadAnimImage("player.bmp",96,96,0,2) ;Arrow image Global arrowimage = LoadImage("arrow.bmp") ;Baloon image Global baloonimage = LoadImage("baloon.bmp") ;Type initialization ;Make user Global player.player = New player ;Make baloon Global baloon.baloon = New baloon ;Initialization! Text 400,300,"Pop the baloons!" Delay 2000 Text 420,330,"Get popin!" Flip Delay 500 ;Initialize the level InstalizeLevel() ;Set the ammo for the player player\ammo = 75 ;Main loop While Not KeyDown (escapek) ;Clear the screen Cls ;mask the images MaskImage (playerimage,255,0,255) MaskImage (baloonimage,255,0,255) ;Draw the player DrawImage (playerimage,30,player\y) DrawImage (baloonimage,baloon\x,baloon\y) ;Make the player move and pause the game Keyboard() ;AI AI() ;Draw the score and ammo HUD() UpdateBullets() Flip Delay 30 Wend If ImagesOverlap(image,arrowx,30,baloonimage,baloon\x,baloon\y) Cls Print "the game is over" End If ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Instalize lvl;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Function InstalizeLevel() ;Place baloon in the middle baloon\x = 400 baloon\y = 300 baloon\hits = 1 ;Put the player at his spot player\y = 300 ;Set the frame to 0 player\frame = 0 End Function ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Key board test;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Function Keyboard() ;If player hits up move him up If KeyDown(upk) player\y = player\y - playerspeed ;If player hits down move him down ElseIf KeyDown(downk) player\y = player\y + playerspeed EndIf If KeyHit(spacek) arrow.arrow = New arrow arrow\x = 30 ;place bullet at player's x coordinate arrow\y = player\y ;place bullet at player's y coordinate EndIf End Function ;;;;;; ;;AI;; ;;;;;; Function AI() If player\y < 33 player\y = 33 EndIf If player\y > 563 player\y = 563 EndIf baloon\y = baloon\y - 2 If baloon\y <= 0 baloon\y = 800 EndIf End Function ;;;;;;; ;;HUD;; ;;;;;;; Function HUD() End Function ;Function UpdateBullets() - Moves each bullet on screen Function UpdateBullets() ;For every bullet, move it up 5 pixels. If it goes offscreen, delete it, otherwise, draw it For arrow.arrow = Each arrow arrow\x = arrow\x - arrowspeed ;Move bullet up ;If bullet moves offscreen, delete it, otherwise, draw it onscreen. Draw laserimage if it is a laser, bulletimage if it is a bullet If arrow\x < 820 Delete arrow DrawImage arrowimage, 35, player\y ;Draw the bullet EndIf Flip Next ;move to next bullet
Woah, break out those source tags
Can you please show some screen shots?
I would suggest using alot of functions then just putting the main loop with thoes functions. That would be alot easier to determine what went wrong.
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Well Im not the best with blitz (I havent used it in forever) but for your collision thing you put: arrowx, it should be arrow\x im pretty sure, and try and make the playerspeed a global and see if that works..

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