How Can I Avoid Repetitive Programming

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34 comments, last by 18 years, 1 month ago
is there like an alternative for this?

cin >> yes;
if ( yes == "yes" ){
  for(int i=0; i<=1000; i++){
    many many commands, including changing variables.
  for(int i=1000; i>=0; i--){
    exactly the same commands as above, but only in descending order.

i want to only write it once! and I am having syntax error on the following code.

for (multimap<string, int, case_insensitive_test>::const_reverse_iterator const_it = multimap_order.rbegin() const; const_it != multimap_order.rend() const; ++const_it ){


for (multimap<string, int, case_insensitive_test>::const_reverse_iterator const_it = multimap_order.rbegin(); const_it != multimap_order.rend(); ++const_it ){

both end up as errors.
I guess you can either do something like this:

char cBuffer = 'y';for(int iIndex = cBuffer == 'y' ? 0 : 1000 ; cBuffer == 'y' ? iIndex <= 1000 : iIndex >= 0 ; cBuffer == 'y' ? iIndex ++ : iIndex --){     //slow though...}

or write a function that does your stuff, and call it in the two for-loops...
In order to help us help you... 1) What are you attempting to do with the "for" statements? (i.e. what are you trying to accomplish) 2) could you post the errors you're getting at those lines?
You can do:

for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++){   j = i;   if (yes != "yes")       j = 1000 - i;   // ... use j instead of i in your code inside the for loop ...}

You do suffer the comparison and possible branch penalty inside your loop for doing it this way, but you do only have to write your code once.

Maybe it might be better to use a #define?

Here is a quick cheesy way to do the first:
cin >> yes;int direction, start, end;if ( yes == "yes" ){  direction = 1;  start = 0;  end = 1000;} else {  direction = -1;  start = 1000;  end = 0;}for (int i = start; i != end; i += direction) {  // code}

You could manage it with just direction, but that would be annoying.

Second question. First, please use typedefs and keep your lines shorter! Long lines are very much a write-only-code style.

typedef multimap<string, int, case_insensitive_test> my_map;typedef my_map::const_reverse_iterator my_it;for (my_it const_it = multimap_order.rbegin() const; const_it != multimap_order.rend() const; ++const_it ){

typedef multimap<string, int, case_insensitive_test> my_map;typedef my_map::const_reverse_iterator my_it;for ( my_it const_it = multimap_order.rbegin(); const_it != multimap_order.rend(); ++const_it ){

What is the type of multimap_order?

i want to only write it once!

Isn't that the reason functions we're invented in the 1950s?

Seriously though, what in the world are you talking about. Use a function, an inline function, a functor, a macro ... whatever. That's what a programming langauge is for, organizing reused code into blocks.
multimap<string, int, case_insensitive_test> multimap_order;

this is the type.

This is line 3638:
for (multimap<string, int, case_insensitive_test>::const_reverse_iterator const_it = multimap_order.rbegin(); const_it != multimap_order.rend(); ++const_it ){

[2], int, std::string (*)[2], int, std::string)':
shenuadmin.cpp:3638: error: no match for 'operator!=' in 'const_it != std::multimap<_Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc>::rend() [with _Key = std::string, _Tp = int, _Compare = case_insensitive_test, _Alloc = std::allocator<std::pair<const std::string, int> >]()'

and my question #1.
cin >> yes;if ( yes == "yes" ){  for(int i=0; i<=1000; i++){    many many commands, including changing variables.  }}else{  for(int i=1000; i>=0; i--){    exactly the same commands as above, but only in descending order.  }}

I thought writing a sample simple example would simplify the answer, but I guess not.

if ( sort_type == "descending" ){for (multimap<string, int, case_insensitive_test>::const_iterator const_it = multimap_order.begin(); const_it != multimap_order.end(); ++const_it ){//BLA BLA BLA}}else{for (multimap<string, int, case_insensitive_test>::const_reverse_iterator const_it = multimap_order.rbegin(); const_it != multimap_order.rend(); ++const_it ){/// BLA BLA BLA}}

and in the BLABLABLA area,
I would like to put this in
								Menu_Cfg="system/users/orders/";								Menu_Cfg+=ToString((*const_it).second);								Menu_Cfg+=".cgi";								count_order_flag++;								cout << "  <TR BORDERCOLORDARK=\"WHITE\" BORDERCOLORLIGHT=\"#C6C3C6\" BORDERCOLOR=\"WHITE\" onClick='changeRow_order(this); change_OptionIconsOrder(\"" << (*const_it).second << "\", \"" << Temp_Select_All_Order_Number_Holder << "\", \"" << Temp_Select_All_Order_Holder << "\", \"type1\");' onDblClick='edit_order(\"" << (*const_it).second << "\");' id='changeme_order";								cout << (*const_it).second;								cout << "' style='cursor:default' onselectstart=\"return false\">";								cout << "    <TD WIDTH=1 title=\"Marked Deletion\" NOWRAP>";								cout << "	<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME='order_multidelete" << (*const_it).second << "' VALUE=1>";								cout << "    </TD>";								cout << "    <TD>";								if ( ReadPosition("status", Menu_Cfg) != "" ){									cout << "<IMG name=orderStatusIcon src=\"system/image/admin/menu/" << ReadPosition("status", Menu_Cfg) << ".gif\" width=16 height=16 align=absmiddle border=0>";								}								else{									cout << "&nbsp;";								}								cout << "    </TD>";								cout << "    <TD>";								cout << "	&nbsp;" << ReadPosition("order_number", Menu_Cfg);								cout << "    </TD>";								cout << "    <TD>";								cout << "	&nbsp;" << ReadPosition("customer_FirstName", Menu_Cfg);								cout << "    </TD>";								cout << "    <TD>";								cout << "	&nbsp;" << ReadPosition("customer_LastName", Menu_Cfg);								cout << "    </TD>";								cout << "    <TD ALIGN=center>";								cout << "	&nbsp;" << ReadPosition("total_items", Menu_Cfg);								cout << "    </TD>";								cout << "    <TD>";								cout << "	&nbsp;<script>document.write(ToDigits(\"" << ReadPosition("subtotal", Menu_Cfg) << "\"));</script>";								cout << "    </TD>";								cout << "    <TD ALIGN=left>";								cout << "	&nbsp;" << ReadPosition("status", Menu_Cfg);								cout << "    </TD>";								cout << "    <TD>";								cout << "	&nbsp;" << ReadPosition("date", Menu_Cfg);								cout << "	&nbsp;" << ReadPosition("time", Menu_Cfg);								cout << "    </TD>";
With that much code, I would just pass "const_it" to a function and be done with it...
you are right, i should have used functions.
and I was thinking about functions, but just didn't know how that would be applied.

I think the best approach would be....

function new_function(string Menu_Cfg){//bbla blla bbal}......if( type=="ascending" ){  for( iterator.begin; iter.end; iter++ ){    Menu_Cfg="system/something";    Menu_Cfg+=iter.first();    Menu_Cfg+=".cgi";    new_function(Menu_Cfg);  }}else{  for( iterator.rbegin; iter.rend; iter++ ){    Menu_Cfg="system/something";    Menu_Cfg+=iter.first();    Menu_Cfg+=".cgi";    new_function(Menu_Cfg);  }}

I'm such an idiot!
I was doubting myself before I even let my brain to think.
Best (most elegant and short to write, but not super efficient) solution I can think of for your original problem:

bool yes;...//somewhere decide if yes is 1 or 0...for(int i=(1000*(yes^1)); (i*((yes)?1:-1))<=(1000*(yes)); i+=((yes)?1:-1)){   cout << i << "\t";}

edit: an issue with <= just a sec... ... FIXED with (i*((yes)?1:-1))

[Edited by - M2tM on March 2, 2006 8:20:32 PM]
_______________________"You're using a screwdriver to nail some glue to a ming vase. " -ToohrVyk

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