A real puzzling problem

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9 comments, last by vovansim 18 years, 1 month ago
Hello Everyone, I'm writing a card game and have run into a rather puzzling problem and was hoping someone could enlighten me. With a shuffled deck of cards, which I have defined as its own type, I am trying to deal out 7 cards to each player (another defined type). The deck indeed deals 7 to each player but here is where the problem kicks in: when the last card is dealt to the player, the dealing shifts to the next player who then gets 7 cards, but that player's first card also overwrites the previous player's last card. So in other words two problems develop in the game: 1) 2 players have the same cards which should never happen and 2) one card gets erased and never used in the game. To help illustrate what I am talking about, imagine player 1's hand looked like this at the intial draw: # 1 - 8 of diamonds # 2 - 9 of diamonds # 3 - 10 of diamonds # 4 - Jack of diamonds # 5 - Queen of diamonds # 6 - King of diamonds # 7 - Ace of Diamonds So far so good until the 2nd player gets his cards and then with the two hands next to each other you can clearly see the problem: Player 1's Hand # 1 - 8 of diamonds # 2 - 9 of diamonds # 3 - 10 of diamonds # 4 - Jack of diamonds # 5 - Queen of diamonds # 6 - King of diamonds # 7 - 2 of Spades Player 2's Hand # 1 - 2 of Spades # 2 - 3 of Spades # 3 - 4 of Spades # 4 - 5 of Spades # 5 - 6 of Spades # 6 - 7 of Spades # 7 - 8 of Spades Notice how the Ace of Diamonds is now missing from Player 1's hand. In addition, the 2 of spades was duplicated and exists in both hands. It seems upon the next entrance into the TakeCard method that the previous hand element retains its previous state (that of the previous player's last card drawn). However I would not have thought that hand would hold on to an element of another object in the array. Can somebody explain this and help me out. I would appreciate it. Here are code snippets from the main file, the player implementation and the deck implementation. //inside the driver cPlayer people = new people[4]; //create 4 players //deal out 7 cards (INITIALHAND = 7) to x players for(int j=0; j < x; j++) for(int t = 0; t < INITIALHAND; t++) people[j].TakeCard(t,&testdeck); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cPlayer::TakeCard(int iNumberOfCards,cDeck *deck){ static int n = -1; n++; //increment card counter hand[iNumberOfCards] = deck->dealCard(n); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cCard cDeck::dealCard(int icardCounter){ return myDeck[icardCounter]; //return the next card in the deck }
My first gripe is that your "shuffled" deck doesn't look very shuffled. My second gripe is that you are using hungarian notation ;-)

I see one potential problem: you are using a static variable in your TakeCard() function. I'm not totally sure, but i think that one variable is good for the entire class. But i think that's what your intention actually was. This is bad. Basically you are making the PLAYER class responsible for getting the right cards delt. This is obviously a responsibility of the DECK class. I would think that the better way to do it would be like this (unoptimised and overly simplified, uses STL):

class Deck {   public:      Deck() {         // create deck and shuffle         for (int i=0; i < 52; i++) {            // add each card to the vector (code omitted for bevity)            }            // shuffle deck the STL way ;-)            random_shuffle( cards.begin(), cards.end() );         }      Card Deck::TakeCard() {         return cards.pop_back();      }   private:      vector<Card> cards;   }

Then you can let the deck worry about what cards it hands out. That should be out of the Player class code, for sure. After that, you can do the regular dealing hokus pokus

for(int i=0; i < num_players; i++) {   for(int j=0; j < num_cards; j++) {      players.AcceptCard( deck.TakeCard() );      }   }

I'm assuming you already know STL in the previous example. If that's assuming too much, now is a good time to get acquainted :-) The important part is that you put the responsibilities in the right classes. The deck distributes the cards. Players only receive cards.


but more to the point, you could probably move your static "n" variable into the deck's dealCard() function and out of the player's function.
The cards do shuffle just fine; I just wanted to give a simple example of how the cards were being handled. I am familiar with the STL, just wanted to do some things from scratch for the heck of it. As for the hungarian notation, well I guess it is just a style that works for me. What about Bill Gates notation where the prefix for any variable and function would be a '$'. ;)

Well I moved the static variable to the deck class. But that doesn't really change the fact the my hand array is retaining the previous card issued to the previous player. When I have declared an array of objects (players) shouldn't each player's hand be intialized by the class constructor? Also how is the value being retained in this function? Doesn't it lose scope upon exiting the function? Let me show you my updated code first.
//inside the driver
cPlayer *people; //the number of people playing

cDeck testdeck(DECKSIZE); //the new deck
cout << "\n how many people are playing? ";
cin >> x;

people = new cPlayer[x]; //array of players

for(int j=0; j < x; j++)
for(int t = 0; t < INITIALHAND; t++)
people[j].TakeCard(t,&testdeck); //deal out 7 cards
void cPlayer::TakeCard(int iNumberOfCards,cDeck *deck){

hand[iNumberOfCards] = deck->dealCard(); //player gets card from deck

cCard cDeck::dealCard(){
static int icardCounter = -1; //return the card off the top of the deck
return myDeck[icardCounter];


The results are the same. Any new ideas?
Looks to me like a possible case of going out of the boundaries of the array... Are you sure that when you create a new cPlayer, that it's 'hand' array gets created correctly with size INITIALHAND?

Well here is my constructor for the player class. I created an array of players so this constructor gets called however many players are needed.

iScore = 0;
iPlayerID = 0;
hand = new cCard(INITIALHAND); //size of starting hand initial hand is 7 cards

As for the cCard constructor, all it does it set up values for the cards. I have eliminated the cCard class as the problem. I think the problem lies somewhere in the player class.
So... What's the type of 'hand'? I mean, it looks to me from initialization like it's a single card, and yet you access it as an array in TakeCard. To make it an array, they should be square brackets around INITIALHAND, just like when you are making the players array in your main function... Right?

Notice in the earlier code posts the code snippet:

void cPlayer::TakeCard(int iNumberOfCards,cDeck *deck){

hand[iNumberOfCards] = deck->dealCard();

This method has access to hand so hand has to be a member of cPlayer. Hand is of course private because to be public would be poor designing. So hand is a pointer to a cPlayer array.
Quote:Original post by Captain Duh
So hand is a pointer to a cPlayer array.

OK, so now we are definitely getting confused here. ;)

First of all, it holds cards, and not players. Correct?

Secondly, you initialize it to be a single card, not an array. So, how does that work?

I think you may be on to something. I think the there may be a screw up in the one area I was certain was not the problem - the card constructor. It looks like this:

cCard::cCard(int ihandSize)
{ //creates a new hand for a player
chFace = NULL;
chColor = NULL;
iValue = NULL;

So then when I call this cPlayer constructor method (below), the hand member is actually only pointing to a single card element per player isn't it?

iScore = 0;
iPlayerID = 0;
hand = new cCard(INITIALHAND); //size of starting hand initial hand is 7 cards

So when I get into the TakeCard method, the array is being written outside it's bounds. Because there is no bounds checking, I get a majot access violation with my array.

void cPlayer::TakeCard(int iNumberOfCards,cDeck *deck){

hand[iNumberOfCards] = deck->dealCard();

This might explain the exceptions I get in the debugger:

First-chance exception at 0x7c92a653 in SparkyProject.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000c.
First-chance exception at 0x7c910f29 in SparkyProject.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xdddddddd.
First-chance exception at 0x7c910f29 in SparkyProject.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xdddddddd.

These exceptions are something that I haven't been able to track down as of yet. Tee hee. I think you are on to something here. Let me redesign that card constructor and I will reply after that - unless you see something else. Thanks.
That was it! Damn, was a major oversite on my part. That was also the cause of the access violations. That was something that I should have seen a long time ago. Thanks a lot man. I appreciate it, now I can go to sleep with a clear mind. :D.

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