how to change the backbuffer format on the fly?

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7 comments, last by Demirug 18 years, 1 month ago
When I load a bitmap from a file to a offscreen surface,and update it to the back surface,the format of the file is often different from the back buffer. So there must be a methed to change it on the fly.Can I refille the D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS structure? how? thank for your reply:}
Quote:Original post by slayer1983

So there must be a methed to change it on the fly.

How did you arrive to that conclusion?

Niko Suni

In your case Direct3D does not change your back buffer format. During the transfer the data is converted to the back buffer format.
Quote:Original post by Demirug
In your case Direct3D does not change your back buffer format. During the transfer the data is converted to the back buffer format.

Are you sure of that? When I run the app I just see the screen all white(the color I used in the clean()),and when the app ends I see "Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Source and dest surfaces are different formats. UpdateSurface fails"
in the output window.
the codes are:
		D3DXIMAGE_INFO ii;		D3DXGetImageInfoFromFile("photo.jpg",&ii);        		IDirect3DSurface9* surfaceSource;		IDirect3DSurface9* surfaceBack;		//source surface必须是D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEN,dest surface必须是D3DPOOL_DEFAULT		device->CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(ii.Width,ii.Height,ii.Format,D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM,&surfaceSource,0);		D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFile(surfaceSource,0,0,"photo.bmp",0,0,0,0);				device->GetBackBuffer(0,0,D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO,&surfaceBack);				device->Clear(0,0,D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER,0xffffffff,1.0f,0);		device->BeginScene();		device->UpdateSurface(surfaceSource,0,surfaceBack,0);				::showFPS(0,0,timeDelta,0xffff0000);		device->EndScene();		device->Present(0,0,0,0);		if(surfaceSource)		{			surfaceSource->Release();			surfaceSource=NULL;		}		if(surfaceBack)		{			surfaceBack->Release();			surfaceBack=NULL;		}
I was talking about the transfer from the file to the off-screen surface. You should create the off-screen surface with the same format as your back buffer. After this step D3DX should convert the format during the load operation.
Quote:Original post by Demirug
I was talking about the transfer from the file to the off-screen surface. You should create the off-screen surface with the same format as your back buffer. After this step D3DX should convert the format during the load operation.

yes .it really works, thank you for your help.
so is it to say that I definetly imposible to change the format of the back buffer after initialisition?
I recommend transfering image data to the backbuffer by using a texture and drawing that texture to the screen by using a triangle. This is how the hardware is optimized to work - direct image transfers from user-mode application to video memory aren't nearly as efficient.

A bonus in my approach is that the formats needn't match, as long as the hardware just supports both source and destination format.

To change backbuffer format, you need to reset the device, which in turn requires you to reallocate all video memory resources (except managed resources, as d3d will handle their reallocation automatically if needed). It is relatively slow to reset the device because of the needed reallocations, both in the hardware and software.

Niko Suni

Quote:Original post by Nik02
I recommend transfering image data to the backbuffer by using a texture and drawing that texture to the screen by using a triangle. This is how the hardware is optimized to work - direct image transfers from user-mode application to video memory aren't nearly as efficient.

A bonus in my approach is that the formats needn't match, as long as the hardware just supports both source and destination format.

To change backbuffer format, you need to reset the device, which in turn requires you to reallocate all video memory resources (except managed resources, as d3d will handle their reallocation automatically if needed). It is relatively slow to reset the device because of the needed reallocations, both in the hardware and software.

sounds good ~I will try it.thanks a lot~~:)
Quote:Original post by slayer1983
yes .it really works, thank you for your help.
so is it to say that I definetly imposible to change the format of the back buffer after initialisition?

You can call Reset with an updated PresentParameter struture but I do not recommend updating the back buffer format based on the format of an image. It is possible that your image have a format that is not supported as back buffer format.

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