Query about openGL

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3 comments, last by Foobar of Integers 18 years, 1 month ago
I've just started with OpenGL and have been learning the basics. I hear people say that GLUT is not "that" great when it comes to making large and complex applications. Although it's a great relief that GLUT takes care of all the MFC part, does that mean I should switch to something else. I've also visited NeHe and here's what they say:

NOTE #2: When the first tutorials were written, GLAUX was the way to go. Over time GLAUX lost support.

Many of the tutorials on this site still use the old GLAUX code. If your compiler does not support GLAUX or you would rather not use it, download the GLAUX REPLACEMENT CODE from the main page (left menu). So, should I leave out GLAUX? From a long term perspective, what is the best way to learn OpenGL? Difficulty doesn't matter. It should be powerful and popular in Industry. I only want to invest effort where I get long term rewards. Thanks in advance.
Grab GLFW, the GL Framework, you'll be up and running in no time. You can load tga files without any other libraries.
Or look into SDL, it makes setting up OpenGL very simple and its cross-platform. It also handles input.


Member of the NeHe team.
Try both and use the one that you like better. I like GLFW for various reasons - one of them is the better (precision and interface wise but the latter is just IMO) timer. Input is one thing in SDL that I like more than in GLFW though, so I usually use my own SDL_Event system emulation on top of GLFW events where applicable.

The statement about GLUT not being "great" for large and complex apps could also refer to the fact that quite often in large and complex applications you could use more control over your contexts so you tend to use the windowing system interfaces directly anyway.
Olli Salli
SDL/OpenGL is a very nice combination. It's also really easy, and SDL works good for image loading and music and especially input.
"ok, pac man is an old gameand, there are faces which is eatin up shits" - da madface

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