Class Chaos (yes, again...:( )

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3 comments, last by webwraith 18 years, 1 month ago
Hi again![embarrass] hopefully, this should be a quick one. After my last thread (Class Chaos ver. 1) I had a fully working vector class. Now the only thing I would like to know is, how do I change my vector to be turned into a static library? This is the vector code: mglvector.h;


 * mglVector3:- contains x,y, and z *
 *              all are floats      *

class mglVector3
        mglVector3(float x_,float y_,float z_);
        mglVector3(const mglVector3& mVec);

        // operators- yay :P XO

        mglVector3& operator=(const mglVector3 mVec);
        mglVector3& operator=(const float array[3]);

        mglVector3& operator+=(const mglVector3& mVec);
        mglVector3& operator+=(const float array[3]);

        mglVector3& operator-=(const mglVector3& mVec);
        mglVector3& operator-=(const float array[3]);

        mglVector3& operator*=(float var);

        /*standard addition operators
          the form this vector+array*/
        friend mglVector3 operator+(const mglVector3& mVec,float array[3])
            return mglVector3(array[0] + mVec.x, array[1] + mVec.y, array[2] + mVec.z);

        //the form array+this vector
        friend mglVector3 operator+(float array[3],const mglVector3& mVec)
            return mglVector3(array[0] + mVec.x, array[1] + mVec.y, array[2] + mVec.z);

        //the form this vector+other vector
        friend mglVector3 operator+(mglVector3 mVec1,const mglVector3& mVec2)
            return mglVector3(mVec1.x + mVec2.x, mVec1.y + mVec2.y, mVec1.z + mVec2.z);

        //the form other vector+this vector
        friend mglVector3 operator+(const mglVector3& mVec1,mglVector3 mVec2)
            return mglVector3(mVec1.x + mVec2.x, mVec1.y + mVec2.y, mVec1.z + mVec2.z);

        /*standard subtraction operators
          the form this vector-array*/
        friend mglVector3 operator-(const mglVector3& mVec,float array[3])
            return mglVector3(mVec.x - array[0], mVec.y - array[1], mVec.z - array[2]);

        //the form array-this vector
        friend mglVector3 operator-(float array[3],const mglVector3& mVec)
            return mglVector3(array[0] - mVec.x, array[1] - mVec.y, array[2] - mVec.z);

        //the form this vector-other vector
        friend mglVector3 operator-(mglVector3 mVec1,const mglVector3& mVec2)
            return mglVector3(mVec1.x - mVec2.x, mVec1.y - mVec2.y, mVec1.z - mVec2.z);

        //the form other vector-this vector
        friend mglVector3 operator-(const mglVector3& mVec1,mglVector3 mVec2)
            return mglVector3(mVec1.x - mVec2.x, mVec1.y - mVec2.y, mVec1.z - mVec2.z);

        //the form this vector*value
        friend mglVector3 operator*(float var,const mglVector3& mVec2)
            return mglVector3(mVec2.x * var, mVec2.y * var, mVec2.z * var);

        //the form value*this vector
        friend mglVector3 operator*(const mglVector3& mVec1,float var)
            return mglVector3(mVec1.x * var, mVec1.y * var, mVec1.z * var);

        float x;
        float y;
        float z;




#include "mglvector.h"

 * mglVector3 overloaded operators *
 *          and methods            *

    // dtor

mglVector3::mglVector3(float x_,float y_,float z_)

mglVector3::mglVector3(const mglVector3& mVec)

mglVector3& mglVector3::operator=(const mglVector3 mVec)

        return *this;

mglVector3& mglVector3::operator=(const float array[3])

    return *this;

mglVector3& mglVector3::operator+=(const mglVector3& mVec)

    return *this;

mglVector3& mglVector3::operator+=(const float array[3])

    return *this;

mglVector3& mglVector3::operator-=(const mglVector3& mVec)

    return *this;

mglVector3& mglVector3::operator-=(const float array[3])

    return *this;

mglVector3& mglVector3::operator*=(float var)

    return *this;

Now, this compiles fine as a library,but when I place library and file in the lib and include files of my compiler, and I try to use the vector, I get three errors;

.objs\main.o:main.cpp:(.text+0x224): undefined reference to `mglVector3::~mglVector3()'
.objs\main.o:main.cpp:(.text+0x24e): undefined reference to `mglVector3::~mglVector3()'
.objs\main.o:main.cpp:(.text$_ZN10mglVector3C1Efff[mglVector3::mglVector3(float, float, float)]+0x8): undefined reference to `vtable for mglVector3'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
If it helps, I'm using the latest stable version of Code::Blocks. I was just wondering what it is that I'm doing wrong?
You sure the header hasn't changed since you last build that library? That class shouldn't even have a vtable without any polymorphic functions...

Also, just out of curiosity, why the inconsistency with passing by reference?

mglVector3& operator= (const mglVector3  mVec);mglVector3& operator+=(const mglVector3& mVec);

(Also, you seem to be missing your include guard's closing #endif?)

Edit: You also seem to have some duplication going on here:

        //the form this vector+other vector        friend mglVector3 operator+(mglVector3 mVec1,const mglVector3& mVec2)        {            return mglVector3(mVec1.x + mVec2.x, mVec1.y + mVec2.y, mVec1.z + mVec2.z);        }        //the form other vector+this vector        friend mglVector3 operator+(const mglVector3& mVec1,mglVector3 mVec2)        {            return mglVector3(mVec1.x + mVec2.x, mVec1.y + mVec2.y, mVec1.z + mVec2.z);        }

There's no reason to have these seperate operators - try:

//the form vector+vector
friend mglVector3 operator+(const mglVector3& mVec1,const mglVector3& mVec2)
return mglVector3(mVec1.x + mVec2.x, mVec1.y + mVec2.y, mVec1.z + mVec2.z);

Also, instead of implementing seperate operators for array additions, you should instead give mglVector3 a constructor that accepts arrays - then:

float array[3];mglVector3 a;mglVector3 b = a + array;

Will automatically create a temporary mglVector3 from a, and call the above version of operator+.
It did have a virtual destructor at one point, but I deleted it.

And the #endif is in the file, but there were some structures that come after, and it was only the mglVector3 class that I was having trouble with. Sorry for the confusion.

Thanks for the advice, though, I'll change that now.
Just as a side note, I would stay away from "virtual" and "protected" and the concepts involved with them until you get your vector class (and C++ syntax) down pat. Even "friends" might be somewhat misleading. In case you're just learning about polymorphism and inheritance, make them their own separate lessons. (Not too long ago, I took my own advice... 1 thing at a time.)

Don't know if that's the case here, but it helps me to introduce 1 new concept at a time, is all.
--== discman1028 ==--
Nope, just changed it, still the same thing :P

Discman1028: Yup, that's what the last thread was all about. I got my class working too, the only trouble I'm having is when I try to use the compiled static library

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