A2R10G10B10 readback woes

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1 comment, last by edwinnie 18 years, 1 month ago
hi! this is another of my readback woes again. I managed to solve the last one on G16R16 by using a WORD directly instead of a D3DXFLOAT16. This time I found that my current code for A2R10G10B10 readback is not correct. Unfortunately, I dun seem to understand how the bitshifting should work... perhaps someone or Jack can enlighten me again... thx! Edwin

//current code (not entirely correct)
if(format == D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10)
	for(int y=0; y<desc.Height; y++)
		DWORD* pPixel = (DWORD*)(((BYTE*)theRect.pBits) + (y*theRect.Pitch));
                for(int x=0; x<desc.Width; x++) 
			BYTE alpha = (*pPixel&0xff000000)>>30;
			unsigned short red = (*pPixel&0xff0000)>>20;
			unsigned short green = (*pPixel&0xff00)>>10;
			unsigned short blue = (*pPixel&0xff);

Your shifting is OK but masks are wrong.

Try this:

BYTE alpha = ((*pPixel)>>30) & 0x3;unsigned short red = ((*pPixel)>>20) & 0x3FF;unsigned short green = ((*pPixel)>>10) & 0x3FF;unsigned short blue = (*pPixel) & 0x3FF;

hi demirug!
thx fer replying so quickly!

it works!


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