class arrays

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3 comments, last by SticksandStones 18 years ago
hi there. I've been programming using C(self taught) for 10 years and have finally decided to force myself into learning c++. Anyway, I've hit a problem already. I'm trying to make a 2d array of a class. I'm sure you can do this, but I dont think I'm doing it right. Can anyone offer some advice? Here is some of my code:
class Ctile {    
    int base;
} tileset[100][100];
void Gloadtileset()
    int x,y;

    PACKFILE *pfp;
    pfp = pack_fopen("map.pak","r");

    if(!pfp) allegro_message(allegro_error);

            tileset[x][y].base = pack_getc(pfp);


int main() {
    int x,y;

            if(tileset[x][y].base) putpixel(screen,x,y,WHITE);

	while (!key[KEY_ESC]) {


	return 0;

my 'map.pak' is fine, I checked it with a hex editor. its just a file with 10000 bytes of 1's. however, the program is supposed to read in each byte or tile if you will and simply put a pixel accordingly. but its not doing it. for some reason tileset[x][y].base is always equal to 0.
You never call Gloadtileset() from what I see.

Also, you don't have a constructor or a destructor for your class.

Oh, and in C++ you can declare variables from 'for' if you just need them to exist for those loops.
for(int x = 0; x<100; x++)

hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- the fear of big words
That is C not C++. You just replaced 'struct' with 'class/public:'. Here is a real C++ solution:

// Make a class for the whole mapclass TileSet{private:    struct Tile    {       int base;    };    // You shold encapsulate your data in classes as much as possible    // Another improvement would be to set up the 100 as a constant    // variable, so you can change sizes easier.    Tile tiles[100][100];public:    // Pass the file name to the constructor so you can reuse this    // code with many different map files    TileSet( const std::string & file_name )    {       PACKFILE *pfp;       pfp = pack_fopen( file_name.c_str( ), "r" );       if( !pfp ) allegro_message( allegro_error );       for( int y=0; y<100; y++ )       {           for( int x=0; x<100; x++ )           {               tiles[x][y].base = pack_getc( pfp );           }       }       pack_fclose( pfp );    }    // You can fill in this code for whatever    // drawing logic you need    void draw( )    {       for( int y=0; y<100; y++ )       {           for( int x=0; x<100; x++ )           {               if( tiles[x][y].base )                  putpixel( screen, x, y, WHITE );           }       }    }};

Then your main will be much simpeler:

int main(){    TileSet ts( "map.pak" );    ts.draw( );    while( !key[KEY_ESC] )    {        // do nothing    }    return 0;}END_OF_MAIN()
thanks for the helpful replies. And yes, I'm stupid - I never called Gloadtileset. I guess I got all caught up in the fact that it was c++ and overlooked a simple error. As for it not being proper C++, I had planned on building the class up after I had had some sort of functionality in the program. But that other solution is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again.
Quote:Original post by Cosmic R
thanks for the helpful replies. And yes, I'm stupid - I never called Gloadtileset. I guess I got all caught up in the fact that it was c++ and overlooked a simple error. As for it not being proper C++, I had planned on building the class up after I had had some sort of functionality in the program. But that other solution is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again.

Glad you got it working, good luck!
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- the fear of big words

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