kbhit() with enter key? not working

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2 comments, last by Daaark 18 years ago
I'm trying to make a loop to build a string while the program is running. When the enter key is hit I want to process the string. Basically I want gets() without blocking. So I'm trying to use kbhit() to do this. This is a windows console aplication. Not win32.
 if (kbhit())
                    str[stri] = getch();
                    cout << str[stri];

                    if (str[stri] == '\n')
                        //rakClientInterface->RPC("PrintMessage", str, (strlen(str)+1)*8, HIGH_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, 0, false);


                        stri = 0;
                        str[0] = '\0';

I commented the raknet function and put in system("PAUSE") just to see if it was working, but its not executing system("PAUSE") I don't think. Its not outputing Press any key to continue . . . and when I hit enter it doesn't terminate the program. If you don't know whats wrong and you know of a good website to learn windows thread programming from, could you please drop the link. Thank you for your time.
Enter key is ascii code (13), I forget how to convert it. You might just check for 13 as an int value.

if (str[stri] == 13)
Ok that seems to be working. Thank you.
Quote:Original post by yahn
Ok that seems to be working. Thank you.
I believe escape is '27'. If you need any other keys just look up their codes in an ascii chart. You should make some defines like


so you don't have to remember all these funny numbers. ;)

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