Linking in VS 2005

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10 comments, last by XoreDevelopment 18 years ago
I'm getting a few Linking Errors with my code. Here are the linking errors (And some odd warning about strcpy being deprecated)
Quote:Compiling... D3DGUI.cpp .\D3DGUI.cpp(19) : warning C4996: 'strcpy' was declared deprecated C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\string.h(73) : see declaration of 'strcpy' Message: 'This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE. See online help for details.' Linking... SourceCore.obj : MSIL .netmodule or module compiled with /GL found; restarting link with /LTCG; add /LTCG to the link command line to improve linker performance D3DGUI.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class CDisplayBox * g_pConsoleDisplay" (?g_pConsoleDisplay@@3PAVCDisplayBox@@A) D3DGUI.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CDisplayBox::Render(class CForm *,unsigned char)" (?Render@CDisplayBox@@UAEXPAVCForm@@E@Z) D3DGUI.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static class CDisplayBox * __cdecl CDisplayBox::Create(int,int,int,int,int)" (?Create@CDisplayBox@@SAPAV1@HHHHH@Z) D3DGUI.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual class CFormObject * __thiscall CForm::AddControl(class CFormObject *)" (?AddControl@CForm@@UAEPAVCFormObject@@PAV2@@Z) D3DGUI.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CForm::InputCharacter(char)" (?InputCharacter@CForm@@UAEXD@Z) D3DGUI.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CForm::MouseClick(int,int,bool)" (?MouseClick@CForm@@UAEXHH_N@Z) D3DGUI.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CForm::Move(int,int)" (?Move@CForm@@UAEXHH@Z) D3DGUI.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall CForm::Render(unsigned char)" (?Render@CForm@@UAEXE@Z) D3DGUI.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual bool const __thiscall CForm::IsSelected(class CFormObject *)const " (?IsSelected@CForm@@UBE?B_NPAVCFormObject@@@Z) D3DGUI.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual struct rect_s const & __thiscall CForm::GetRect(void)const " (?GetRect@CForm@@UBEABUrect_s@@XZ) D3DGUI.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static class CEditBox * __cdecl CEditBox::Create(char *,int,int,int,int,int,bool)" (?Create@CEditBox@@SAPAV1@PADHHHHH_N@Z)
I'm sure someone here knows how to handle this. I would appreciate it very much :)
I am not too sure about the "strcpy" deprecation issue. But the other linker errors are telling you that those functions cannot be found. Make sure you're linking properly to whatever it is you are using.
:==-_ Why don't the voices just leave me alone?! _-==:
The deprecation warning is new in VC++8, it is intended to warn the programmer that strcpy is potentially unsafe (can cause buffer overflows).

As for the linker warnings, that can be caused by a few things.

1. You are not linking to a required library. If you wrote all of the code, then this probably does not concern you.

2. The appropriate cpp files are not part of your MSVC project.

3. The implementations of the functions do not match their definitions, i.e.:
void DoSomething();void DoSomething( int i ) {  // code;}
4. There are more cases, but the ones I can think of don't seem to apply.

[edit] (Off-Topic) Are you trying to use C++/CLI?

OK, I took care of the warnings. And here is the source (.cpp) I'm trying to use, I'll put the header in here too.

#include "d3d9.h"#include <d3dx9core.h>#include "NormGUI.h"#include "d3d9dev.h"#include "d3d9int.h"#include "d3d9tex.h"#pragma comment(lib,"d3d9.lib")#pragma comment(lib,"d3dx9.lib")//CGui	Gui;//CDisplayBox	ConsoleDisplay;GENERATE_FORM(CConsoleForm);CD3DRender *g_pRender;// = new CD3DRender(128);CD3DFont *g_pD3Dfont = new CD3DFont("Arial", 16, FT_NONE);void CConsoleForm::Initialize(){	strcpy_s(m_szTitle, "Console");	m_Rect.x = 30;	m_Rect.y = 30;	m_Rect.width = 480;	m_Rect.height = 250;	//AddControl(CEditBox::Create("Default Text",2,m_Rect.height-18,m_Rect.width-4,16,16,true));	//AddControl( CEditBox::Create("Default Text", 2, m_Rect.height-18, m_Rect.width-4, 16, 16, &ParseCmd, true) );	//CDisplayBox = (CDisplayBox*)AddControl( CDisplayBox::Create(2, 2, m_Rect.width-4, m_Rect.height-20, 16) );	m_Rect.height += (int)TITLEBAR_HEIGHT;	}void PrintText(float X,float Y, DWORD Color,char *szText){	}void CGui::Initialize(){	m_vFormList.push_back(new CConsoleForm);		m_topWindow = (int)m_vFormList.size() - 1;	for(int i=0; i <= m_topWindow; i++)		m_vFormList->Initialize();}void CGui::HandleInput(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){	switch(message)	{		case WM_KEYDOWN:		case WM_SYSKEYDOWN:			HandleKeyboard(wParam);			break;		case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:		case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK:			LeftButton(false);			break;		case WM_LBUTTONUP:			LeftButton(true);			break;		case WM_MOUSEMOVE:			MouseMove();			break;		default:			break;	}}void CGui::HandleKeyboard(WPARAM wParam){	bool bShiftDown = ((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&0xFF00) != 0); //is down	char keyToSend = 0;	if(wParam >= 'A' && wParam <= 'Z')	{		keyToSend = (bShiftDown ? (char)(wParam&0xFF) : (char)(wParam&0xFF)+32);	}	else if(wParam >= '0' && wParam <= '9')	{		switch(wParam)		{			case '0':				keyToSend = (bShiftDown ? ')' : (char)(wParam&0xFF));	break;			case '1':				keyToSend = (bShiftDown ? '!' : (char)(wParam&0xFF));	break;			case '2':				keyToSend = (bShiftDown ? '@' : (char)(wParam&0xFF));	break;			case '3':				keyToSend = (bShiftDown ? '#' : (char)(wParam&0xFF));	break;			case '4':				keyToSend = (bShiftDown ? '$' : (char)(wParam&0xFF));	break;			case '5':				keyToSend = (bShiftDown ? '%' : (char)(wParam&0xFF));	break;			case '6':				keyToSend = (bShiftDown ? '^' : (char)(wParam&0xFF));	break;			case '7':				keyToSend = (bShiftDown ? '&' : (char)(wParam&0xFF));	break;			case '8':				keyToSend = (bShiftDown ? '*' : (char)(wParam&0xFF));	break;			case '9':				keyToSend = (bShiftDown ? '(' : (char)(wParam&0xFF));	break;			default:				break;		}	}	else	{		switch(wParam)		{			case VK_RETURN:				keyToSend = VK_RETURN;	break;			case VK_BACK:				keyToSend = VK_BACK;	break;			case VK_SPACE:				keyToSend = ' ';		break;		    default:				break;		}	}    //if(keyToSend != 0)		//m_vFormList[m_topWindow]->InputCharacter(keyToSend);}void CGui::MouseMove(){	if(m_isDrag)	{		m_vFormList[m_topWindow]->Move(m_mouseX-m_mouseClickPt[0], m_mouseY-m_mouseClickPt[1]);		m_mouseClickPt[0] = m_mouseX;		m_mouseClickPt[1] = m_mouseY;		}}void CGui::LeftButton(bool bUp){	if(bUp)		m_isDrag = false;	else	{		rect_s pos;		int x, y, width, height;		for(int i=m_topWindow; i >= 0; i--)		{			pos = m_vFormList->GetRect();			x		= pos.x;			y		= pos.y;			width	= pos.width;			height	= pos.height;		    if((m_mouseX > x) && (m_mouseX < x+width) && (m_mouseY > y) && (m_mouseY < y+height))			{				CForm *pTempForm = m_vFormList;//move the 				m_vFormList.erase( m_vFormList.begin() + i );	//current window to				m_vFormList.push_back(pTempForm);		//the top				if(m_mouseY < y+TITLEBAR_HEIGHT)				{					m_isDrag = true;					m_mouseClickPt[0] = m_mouseX;					m_mouseClickPt[1] = m_mouseY;				}				else				{					m_vFormList->MouseClick(m_mouseX, m_mouseY);				}				break;			}		}			}	}void CGui::SetMousePos(int x, int y){	m_mouseX = x;	m_mouseY = y;}void CGui::GetMousePos(int &x, int &y){	x = m_mouseX;	y = m_mouseY;}void CGui::RenderAll(){    for(int i=0; i <= m_topWindow; i++)	{		BYTE alpha = ( i == m_topWindow ? 0xBF : 0x3F );        m_vFormList->Render(alpha);	}	RenderCursor();}void CGui::RenderCursor(){	FillRGBA(m_mouseX-1.0f,m_mouseY-10.0f,2.0f,20.f,187,76,30,230);	FillRGBA(m_mouseX-10.0f,m_mouseY-1.0f,20.f,2.0f,187,76,30,230);}void CGui::InitDisplay(){	IDirect3DDevice9		*m_pD3Ddev;	//CD3DRender *g_pRender = new CD3DRender(128);	g_pRender->Initialize(m_pD3Ddev);	g_pD3Dfont->Print(0,0,0xFF00FF00,"Hello",FT_NONE);	//g_pD3Dfont->GenFont(m_pD3Ddev, "Arial Black", 10, 0x0);}void CGui::CleanupDisplay(){	g_pRender->Invalidate();	g_pD3Dfont->Invalidate();}

And here is the header for this:

#include <vector>#include <d3d9.h>#include "d3drender.h"#include "d3d9dev.h"#ifndef RECT_STRUCT#define RECT_STRUCTstruct rect_s { int x, y, width, height; };#endif#define FOTYPE_EDITBOX			0x00000001#define FOTYPE_BUTTON			0x00000002#define FOTYPE_DISPLAYBOX		0x00000004class CForm;#ifndef RECT_STRUCT#define RECT_STRUCTstruct rect_s { int x, y, width, height; };#endiftypedef void (*tpFunc)();typedef void (*tpFuncChar)(char*);#define _CBUTTON(p) 			((CButton*)(p))#define _CEDITBOX(p) 			((CEditBox*)(p))#define _CDISPLAYBOX(p) 		((CDisplayBox*)(p))#define FOTYPE_EDITBOX			0x00000001#define FOTYPE_BUTTON			0x00000002#define FOTYPE_DISPLAYBOX		0x00000004class CFormObject{public:	CFormObject(){ m_szText = NULL; m_enabled = true; m_type = 0; }	~CFormObject(){ if(m_szText) delete [] m_szText; }	virtual void Render(CForm *pForm, BYTE alpha) = 0;	virtual const rect_s &GetRect() const	{ return m_Rect; }	virtual DWORD GetType()					{ return m_type; }	virtual void SetEnabled(bool enabled)	{ m_enabled = enabled; }	virtual bool GetEnabled() const			{ return m_enabled; }protected:		rect_s		m_Rect;	DWORD		m_type;	char		*m_szText;	bool		m_enabled;};/* CButton */class CButton : public CFormObject{public:	CButton() { m_type = FOTYPE_BUTTON; }	//general methods	static CButton *Create(char *szText, int x, int y, int width, int height, tpFunc pFunc);    void Initialize(char *szText, int x, int y, int width, int height, tpFunc pFunc);	void Render(CForm *pForm, BYTE alpha);		//specific methods	void Click() { if(m_pFunc != NULL) m_pFunc(); }private:	tpFunc		m_pFunc;};/* CEditBox */class CEditBox : public CFormObject{public:	CEditBox() { m_type = FOTYPE_EDITBOX; }		//general methods	static CEditBox *Create(char *szDefaultText, int x, int y, int width, int height, int maxChar/*, tpFuncChar pFuncChar*/,bool bClear=false);	void Initialize(char *szDefaultText, int x, int y, int width, int height, int maxChar, /*tpFuncChar pFuncChar,*/ bool bClear=false);	void Render(CForm *pForm, BYTE alpha);		//specific methods	void OnReturn();	void SetText(char *szText);	void AddChar(char c);	void RemChar();	void ClearText();private:	tpFuncChar	m_pFuncChar;	int			m_maxChar; //doesn't count '\0'	int			m_usedChar;	bool		m_clearOnRet;};/* CDisplayBox */class CDisplayBox : public CFormObject{public:	CDisplayBox() { m_type = FOTYPE_DISPLAYBOX; }	//general methods	static CDisplayBox *Create(int x, int y, int width, int height, int maxLines);	void Initialize(int x, int y, int width, int height, int maxLines);	void Render(CForm *pForm, BYTE alpha);	//specific methods	void AddText(char *szText);	void Clear();	protected:	std::vector<char*> m_vText;	int			m_maxLines;};void FillRGBA(float x, float y, float w, float h, int r, int g, int b, int a){	D3DXVECTOR2 vLine[2];	ID3DXLine *pLine;	pLine->SetWidth( w );	pLine->SetAntialias( false );	pLine->SetGLLines( true );		vLine[0].x = x + w/2;	vLine[0].y = y;	vLine[1].x = x + w/2;	vLine[1].y = y + h;	pLine->Begin( );	pLine->Draw( vLine, 2, D3DCOLOR_RGBA( r, g, b, a ) );	pLine->End( );}/*class CGui{public:	bool m1pressed;	bool m2pressed;	int mainmenubuttons; // Number of buttons to be drawn in the MAIN menu.	void drawGui(char* text);	void drawMouse(int x, int y);	void setValues();	void setCvars();	private:	void drawTitlebar(char* text);	void drawBox(int x, int y,int w, int optioncount);	void drawButton(int x, int y,int r, int g, int b, char* text);	void drawButton2(int x, int y,int r, int g, int b, char* text);	void drawSlideBar(int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int cvar, int maxvalue);	void drawSubMenu(int x, int ax);	int checkField(int x, int y, int w, int h);	void checkMenu(int x, char* text, int mouseclick);	void setSubMenu(int x, int ax, int bx);	void set_menu_bool(int ax);};*/struct menu_s{	char* text;	int value;	bool menuopen;	//only used for menu[?][0]};//============================================//============================================//============================================#ifndef _GUI_FORM_H#define _GUI_FORM_H#define GENERATE_FORM(f) class f : public CForm { void Initialize(); }#ifndef RECT_STRUCT#define RECT_STRUCTstruct rect_s { int x, y, width, height; };#endif#define TITLEBAR_LENGTH			32#define TITLEBAR_HEIGHT			16.0f#define WINDOW_COLOUR			0x00CCCCCC#define TITLEBAR_COLOUR			0x00336699#define BORDER_3D_DOWN			0x3F000000#define BORDER_3D_UP			0x3FFFFFFF#define TEXT_COLOUR				0x00003366#define TITLEBAR_TEXT_COLOUR	0x00CFCFDF/* CForm */class CForm{public:		CForm(){}	~CForm(){}		//pure methods	virtual void Initialize() = 0;	//accessors	virtual const rect_s &GetRect() const;	virtual const bool IsSelected(CFormObject *pObject) const;	//methods	virtual void Render(BYTE alpha);	virtual void Move(int offsetx, int offsety);	virtual void MouseClick(int mousex, int mousey, bool isDoubleClick = false);	virtual void InputCharacter(char c);	virtual CFormObject *AddControl(CFormObject *pObject);	protected:	std::vector<CFormObject*> m_vObjectList;	rect_s			m_Rect;	char			m_szTitle[TITLEBAR_LENGTH+1];	CFormObject		*m_pSelected;};#endif//============================================//============================================//============================================#ifndef _GUI_H#define _GUI_H//rendering (used by all classes)void FillGradient(float x, float y, float width, float height, DWORD col1, DWORD col2);void PrintText(float X, float Y, DWORD Color, char *szText);class CGui{public:	CGui()	{		//ID3DXFont			*g_pFont;		CD3DRender *g_pRender = new CD3DRender(128);		CD3DFont *g_pD3Dfont = new CD3DFont("Arial", 16, false);		m_topWindow = -1;	}	~CGui(){}	bool m1pressed;	bool m2pressed;	int mainmenubuttons; // Number of buttons to be drawn in the MAIN menu.	void drawGui(char* text);	void drawMouse(float x, float y);	void setValues();	void setCvars();	void Initialize();	void InitDisplay();	void CleanupDisplay();	void RenderAll();	void RenderCursor();	void HandleInput(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);	void HandleKeyboard(WPARAM wParam);	void MouseMove();	void LeftButton(bool bUp = false);	void SetMousePos(int x, int y);	void GetMousePos(int &x, int &y);private:	std::vector<CForm*> m_vFormList;		void drawTitlebar();	void drawBox(float x, float y,float w, int optioncount);	void drawButton(float x, float y,int r, int g, int b, char* text);	void drawButton2(float x, float y,int r, int g, int b, char* text);	void drawSlideBar(float x, float y, int r, int g, int b, int cvar, int maxvalue);	void drawSubMenu(float x, int ax);	int checkField(float x, float y, int w, int h);	void checkMenu(float x, char* text, int mouseclick);	void setSubMenu(float x, int ax, int bx);	void set_menu_bool(int ax);	int			m_topWindow;	bool		m_isDrag;	int			m_mouseClickPt[2];	int			m_mouseX, m_mouseY;};/*extern CGui			g_GUI;extern CDisplayBox	*g_pConsoleDisplay;*/#endif

Sorry if that took alot of space!!
Quote:Original post by XoreDevelopment
Sorry if that took alot of space!!

hehe - next time use [ source ] [ /source ] tags. Like this:

blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahAMAZING - it scrolls!blahblah
Dustin Franklin ( circlesoft :: KBase :: Mystic GD :: ApolloNL )
Didn't know the tags, sorry <(^-^)>
In the code you posted, I never actually see you implement the virtual methods of CForm. Do you want them to be pure virtual? If so, then you cannot instantiate CConsoleForm without implementing all the pure virtual functions. Otherwise, you need to implement them in CForm.

Also, FillRGBA should not be implemented in the header file, or you are going to get redefinition errors.

I can't tell about the rest since we're missing some code.
Quote:Original post by jflanglois
In the code you posted, I never actually see you implement the virtual methods of CForm. Do you want them to be pure virtual? If so, then you cannot instantiate CConsoleForm without implementing all the pure virtual functions. Otherwise, you need to implement them in CForm.

Also, FillRGBA should not be implemented in the header file, or you are going to get redefinition errors.

I can't tell about the rest since we're missing some code.

Do you have a messenger or something of the sort so I can give you my source to look at?
I PM'ed you.
Received and Added :-)

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