Shader problem

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2 comments, last by mido 18 years ago
Hi, I am using an example shader from Shader Designer from (toon.frag and toon.vert). The shader, in shader designer is a cartoonish shader, but loaded into my program, it makes everything black. The fragment shader is using the variables DiffuseColor, Phong and PhongColor, not mentioned anywhere in the GLSL reference, i guess thats where my problem occours, but i'm very new to shaders. Do i need to set these variables my self? - where do they get their from - since it is not a part of the shader either... In my program, I set up light, normals, materials etc. and i see the objects without the shader. I tried a couble of example shaders from shader designer, and it seems like a general problem. :( The shader sources can be found in [Shader Designer\shaders] but i'll list them here too: // Fragment/Vertex shader for cartoon-style shading // Author: Philip Rideout // Copyright (c) 2004 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. // See 3Dlabs-License.txt for license information uniform vec3 DiffuseColor; uniform vec3 PhongColor; uniform float Edge; uniform float Phong; varying vec3 Normal; void main (void){ vec3 color = DiffuseColor; float f = dot(vec3(0,0,1),Normal); if (abs(f) < Edge) color = vec3(0); if (f > Phong) color = PhongColor; gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1); } .vert: varying vec3 Normal; void main(void){ Normal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal); gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex; }
You need to set the values for all the uniform variables (as you already surmised). It's been a while for me, so I can't give you detailed help, but if you check out the glUniform functions you should be able to set them with that.
You have forgotten to set the uniform variables.
this is an example of how to use cg shaders in opengl.
Programming is not an art, It''s a way of life.
Thank you guys, that was the missing magic : )

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