Templated Message System

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13 comments, last by hplus0603 17 years, 11 months ago
Hey guys. I've been reading up on messaging systems in the forums because I'm building one into my engine. The biggest problems I can see so far are typecasting (its unsafe), how to make it extensible (so the game that uses your engine can create and use its own messages through your engine's pump), and how to to avoid having to create a bajillion and one message subclasses. I am currently trying to solve these problems by using templated messages and message handlers. The message handler's type is the same as the messages that it will handle. It stores these, of course, in a message queue. My implementation uses a priority queue and prioritizes the messages by timestamp so that the most recently created message is handled first. What are your thoughts on this system? The benefits are really great, as you have typechecking at compile time, any coder can create a new message class and a handler class for that message by simply using the templates, and there is no need for a bajillion message subclasses, since you only create the message classes that you will need you handlers to process. I know I can't be the first person to think of using templates to solve this problem, so does anyone have any experience and/or advice on this? - Enosch
Typecasting isn't technically unsafe, at least not anymore than calling a function. If you want to avoid typecasting, use classes and virtual methods for your messages.
You could also use unions to avoid typecasting, but unless you do some tricks (tricks that are much less "safe" than typecasting), you will end up using more memory than you have to.

About your queue, there isn't any reason to prioritize by timestamp. Thats how regular queues work, the first message in is the first message out. You should instead prioritize them by say... priority :) Or not at all if you can't find a reason to have msgs with higher priority.

Hope that helps.
-------Harmotion - Free 1v1 top-down shooter!Double Jump StudiosBlog
Not that I'm terribly experienced with messaging systems, but my first reaction is that a templated system doesn't eliminate casting issues since you'll still need a common base class somewhere or have to do so much template specialization for so many different classes that it will quickly become tedious and/or unmaintainable.
For typecasting, I am talking about having messages with a void* and a "type flag" that tells you what type of data the message contains, then casting to a certain type depending on what value the type flag contains. I guess its not "unsafe" if you know what you are doing, but any C programmer knows how many errors have arisen from casting pointers, however easier it makes our lives.

Also, my engine is primarily for MMOs, so I will be having Messages comming in over the network module that may have different timestamps on them (using UDP for incoming protocol). And, I am multithreading parts of my engine, so messages from different threads may have different timestamps. So, by testing priority I make sure that the queue runs as it intuitively should. And like you say, in most cases it will run FIFO, so there won't be much, if any, time spent reorganizing the queue.

The way I have in mind for this to be used is that any message class that is created will simply inherit from a cMsg template of its choice, depending on what data it wants to have. For instance, you could declare a message class that uses an integer as its data like this:
class cIntMsg : public cMsg<int>
or a vector message class like this:
class cVecMsg : public cMsg<cVector3>.
The code below shows the implementation. Like this, you have handlers and senders automatically defined. To have a class that handles our vector message class above, you would declare:
class cVecMsgHandler : public cMsg<cVector3>::cHandler.
The same is true for sender classes. The handler class will process the messages it receives however it wants, and the sender classes don't have to actually have any knowledge of the handler classes, since it is built in behind what the user sees.

Here is my implementation (not finished yet) of this system so you can see what I mean.

See post below for updated source code.

[Edited by - Enosch on April 21, 2006 11:26:18 PM]

I don't understand why typecasting is an issue in your messaging system, could you please give me a synopsis on what you are doing, or point to the main tutorial your learning from?

In all messaging systems I have used in my engines I have a very simple message template->
DWORD TargetSystemId, DWORD MessageId, int *MsgParam1, int *MsgParam2

All official engine messages have ids from 0x00 to 0x0000FFFF. If a user of my engine wants to add some subsystem and their own messages, they can define the messages with ids from 0x00010000 - 0xFFFF0000.

I also don't understand why you would need a timestamp if you have a proper queue setup, since you know the last message in, was the last message sent to your program. If there is a critical message that needs to be dealt with, you can just have a function that forces the engine to process that message right after it's sent instead of it processing the message in its normal traversing of the queue.
I see you posted the information I was looking for while I was typing my previous message. I see you are sending your messages with some data value, and not with pointers, and that is the reason you're having typecasting issues.

I think that design is slow and cumbersome, and all the overhead from cMsg is nauseating in my opinion(especially for an MMO!), and I would redesign the system system to pass pointers instead of values.
So you just end up with a bunch of parameter specific senders and handlers. I don't see how that really gives you anything more than judicious use of function objects/delegate [to abstract knowledge of the called function from the caller].

This doesn't really provide the two main benefits to a traditional message passing system. It doesn't provide a single ubiquitous interface to arbitrary objects. It doesn't provide a chokepoint to allow for logging, modification or dispatch to differing threads/processes/computers...

It certainly looks like nice reusable code for abstracting calls for easy dispatch to threads... just at first glance though it looks like a proper interpreter would be better for abstracting handling, and common delegates for senders; no need to tie the two together since they're so commonly needed apart.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your templated message system isn't going to work, at least without some level of run-time polymorphism. The problem is that there is no uniform type equivalence, since the full type of a templated class includes its template arguments. Thus cMsg<int> and cMsg<float> and cMsg<cVector3> are all different types. This also means that their nested class types are different. You won't be able to store all the handlers in a single list because they're all different types depending on the data they're handling! What's worse is that all the code is generated at compile-time, meaning that not only are there multiple handler lists, but that there's no way to enumerate them all for processing.

Speaking of processing, you'd have to specialize the handler code for each different data type so that each type is handled differently... but at this point you've substituted a run-time polymorphic system where you just virtually overload the handler function in derived classes, to a compile-time "polymorphic" system where you just specialize the handler function for each type, while at the same time losing the benefit of type equivalence through a base class which you would have had with run-time polymorphism.

The bottom line is that templates aren't going to solve your problem the way you're using them, merely morph the problem into something that is more subtle and ultimately impossible to solve without some real unsafe typecasting [smile] It's the type equivalence thing that kills you.
Hmmm. Type-casting, as you say, is very unsafe. Especially from void *. Could you possibly use a generic variable container like boost::any for passing values? It's completely type-safe (unless you knowingly abuse it), and your message class architecture still stands. You create a class for each message, then send it to a handler. The type is determined with simple comparisons, something along the lines of if(msg.type() == typeof(MyMessage)) or a switch statement, and you cast safely to the right type with an any_cast statement.

For even faster comparisons that don't rely on the typeid operator, you could have a message ID and a message parameter object (either a class, or a struct, or a basic type). The message parameter object is specific to the message, and is sent to the handler in a boost::any container. Test the message ID, and if it's the one you want, any_cast the message parameter object to the type it should be. The any wrapper serves in this case to remove all doubt from the type-cast.

Disclaimer: The above might be quite bad programming practice. Doesn't seem right for some reason. I just thought it up after seeing your post, as it seemed like a good use of boost::any. However, it might be terrible for real-time purposes, what with the any_casts and the type-checking and all. I'll have a bit of a think about it. I might recant it all [grin]
My opinion is a recombination and regurgitation of the opinions of those around me. I bring nothing new to the table, and as such, can be safely ignored.[ Useful things - Firefox | GLee | Boost | DevIL ]
To begin, I know that a lot of the gripe (or advice) so far has been in trying to interpret my incomplete code into the actual usable design I was (poorly) trying to describe above. So, here is the code as it stands now. I have compiled and tested (not extensively) this and know that it at least passes messages. Also, I tried a handler with multiple types and that also works, with the inheriting class only having to implement ProcessMsgs() once for all classes. Also, this new code includes a cMsgGrp class that allows for a group of handlers to receive a single sent message. All of the handlers will have a group name and ID. Another note: please excuse my basic type names. I have included <iTypes.h> which basically contains typedefs to rename basic types. Don't ask, I've been using it too long now to go back anyways. Anyways, here it is:

#ifndef _ENGINE_MSG_H_#define _ENGINE_MSG_H_#include <iTypes.h>#include <queue>#include <list>#include <string>#define INIT_MSG_CLASS(x) std::list< ##x::cHandler* > ##x::cHandler::handlerList;//=====================================//  Class iMsg,//  Message interface class//=====================================class iMsg{protected:	iFloat timestamp;	iMsg(iFloat t) : timestamp(t) {}public:	virtual ~iMsg() {}	inline iFloat GetTimestamp() const { return timestamp; }	inline iBool operator < (const iMsg& m) const { return (timestamp < m.timestamp); }};//=====================================//  Class cMsg<>,//  Templated base class for all message types//=====================================template <typename DataType>class cMsg : public iMsg{	// Protected Membersprotected:	DataType data;	// Public Methodspublic:	cMsg (DataType d, iFloat t) : data(d), iMsg(t) {}	virtual ~cMsg() {}	inline       DataType GetData()       { return data; }	inline const DataType GetData() const { return data; }	inline void Send(const std::string& name)	{		for (std::list< cHandler* >::iterator it=cHandler::handlerList.begin(); it!=cHandler::handlerList.end(); ++it)			if ((*it)->name == name)				(*it)->AddMsg(*this);	}	inline void Send(iUInt ID)	{		for (std::list< cHandler* >::iterator it=cHandler::handlerList.begin(); it!=cHandler::handlerList.end(); ++it)			if ((*it)->ID == ID)				(*it)->AddMsg(*this);	}	//=====================================	//  Class cHandler<>,	//  Templated base class for all message handler types	//=====================================	class cHandler	{		// Friend Class		friend class cMsg;		// Protected Members	protected:		iUInt ID;		std::string name;		std::priority_queue< cMsg > msgQueue;		// Public Methods	public:		cHandler (std::string&  n) : name(n), ID(GenNewHandlerID()) { handlerList.push_back(this); }		cHandler (const iString n) : name(n), ID(GenNewHandlerID()) { handlerList.push_back(this); }		virtual ~cHandler()		{			for (std::list<cHandler*>::iterator it=handlerList.begin(); it!=handlerList.end(); ++it)			{				if ((*it)->ID == ID)				{					handlerList.erase(it);					return;				}			}		}		inline       std::string& GetHandlerName()       { return name; }		inline const std::string& GetHandlerName() const { return name; }		inline void AddMsg (cMsg& msg) { msgQueue.push(msg); }		// Abstract Methods		virtual iBool ProcessMsgs () = 0;	private:		// Inline method to generate a new handler ID		static inline iUInt GenNewHandlerID()		{			if (handlerList.empty())				return 0;			return (*handlerList.end())->ID+1;		}		// Protected static Members		static std::list< cHandler* > handlerList;	};};//=====================================//  Class cMsgGroup<>,//  Templated base class for all message types that are sent to groups//=====================================template <typename DataType>class cMsgGrp : public iMsg{	// Protected Membersprotected:	DataType data;	// Public Methodspublic:	cMsgGrp (DataType d, iFloat t) : data(d), iMsg(t) {}	cMsgGrp (const cMsgGrp& m) : data(m.data), timestamp(m.timestamp) {}	virtual ~cMsgGrp() {}	inline       DataType GetData     ()       { return data;      }	inline const DataType GetData     () const { return data;      }	inline void Send(const std::string& name)	{		for (std::list<sHandlerGrp>::iterator it=cHandler::handlerGrpList.begin(); it!=cHandler::handlerGrpList.end(); ++it)			if (it->name == name)				it->AddMsg(*this);	}	inline void Send(iUInt ID)	{		for (std::list<sHandlerGrp>::iterator it=cHandler::handlerGrpList.begin(); it!=cHandler::handlerGrpList.end(); ++it)			if (it->ID == ID)				it->AddMsg(*this);	}public:	//=====================================	//  Class cHandler<>,	//  Templated base class for all message handler types	//=====================================	class cHandler	{		// Handler Group struct		struct sHandlerGrp		{			sHandlerGrp(const iString      n) : name(n), ID(GenNewHandlerID()) {}			sHandlerGrp(const std::string& n) : name(n), ID(GenNewHandlerID()) {}			sHandlerGrp(const sHandlerGrp& h) : name(h.name), ID(h.ID) {}			// Methods			inline void AddMsg(cMsgGrp& msg)			{				for (std::list< cHandler* >::iterator it=handlerGrp.begin(); it!=handlerGrp.end(); ++it)					it->AddMsg(msg);			}			// Members			iUInt ID;			std::string name;			std::list< cHandler* > handlerGrp;		};		// Friend class		friend class cMsgGrp;		// Protected Members	protected:		std::priority_queue< cMsgGrp > msgQueue;		// Public Methods	public:		cHandler (std::string&  n) { AddHandlerToGrp(this, n.c_str()); }		cHandler (const iString n) { AddHandlerToGrp(this, n);         }		cHandler (const cHandler& h)		{			for (std::list<sHandlerGrp>::iterator it=handlerGrpList.begin(); it!=handlerGrpList.end(); ++it)				for (std::list<cHandler*>::iterator it2=it->handlerGrp.begin(); it2!=it->handlerGrp.end(); ++it2)					if (&h == (*it2))						it->handlerGrp.push_back(this);		}		virtual ~cHandler()		{			for (std::list<sHandlerGrp>::iterator it=handlerGrpList.begin(); it!=handlerGrpList.end(); ++it)				for (std::list<cHandler*>::iterator it2=it->handlerGrp.begin(); it2!=it->handlerGrp.end(); ++it2)					if (this == (*it2))					{						it->handlerGrp.erase(it2);						return;					}		}		inline void AddMsg (const cMsgGrp& msg) { msgQueue.push(msg); }		// Abstract Methods		virtual iBool ProcessMsgs () = 0;	private:		// Static list of handlers		static std::list< sHandlerGrp > handlerGrpList;		// Tool Methods		static inline iUInt GenNewHandlerID()		{			if (handlerGrpList.empty())				return 0;			return handlerGrpList.end()->ID+1;		}		static inline void AddHandlerToGrp(cHandler* h, const iString name)		{			for (std::list< sHandlerGrp >::iterator it=handlerGrpList.begin(); it!=handlerGrpList.end(); ++it)			{				if (it->name == name)				{					it->handlerGrp.push_back(h);					return;				}			}			handlerGrpList.push_back(sHandlerGrp(name));			handlerGrpList.end()->handlerGrp.push_back(h);		}	};};#endif // #ifndef _ENGINE_MSG_H_

The big differences include: no sender class (messages have a send method to send themselves), I remembered to include my abstract ProcessMsgs() method in the cHandler class this time (lol), there are only two classes (the message and its handler class, no "pump" base class), and the msgQueue holds cMsg objects, not cMsg pointers. This eliminates the need for sending new cMsg objects for every message (which I did initially for typecasting purposes which I don't need now).

As far as typecasting from a void* goes, I just can't agree with it. I know it CAN be implemented safely, but why worry when I can be sure at compile time what the type is. And I know it looks ugly at the base level, but that is all these classes are. You would inherit from these into the message classes and handlers that you want, without ever having to worry about typecasting, since a message can only go into its own type of queue only in a handler that knows already what it is.

For the ease of using pointer messages, I agree. However there are some cases where a pointer would be overkill or not desirable (a message is passed with a boolean as data, or passed using a pointer to a local variable). In these cases, the templated message works.

For the timestamp, I kinda agree that it is most likely a stupid idea and reserve the right to change it at any time, lol.

Anyways, thanks for all the feedback guys. As with any new idea, it needs work (or scrapping, but I'm sure I'll discover which as I go on), but I think that it will be useful.

Zipster: I'm using different queues for different types so that I don't have to typecast at runtime, the same reason I used templates in the first place. Like I said above, I'm still new to this type of programming, but I think that your idea is to let the message operate on a specific type of handler via its overloaded handler function. This obviously works (its popular enough to know that), but its not completely safe. My implementation doesn't necessarily do away with that idea, but it simply moves the handling responsibility to the message handler.

I have a cCollider abstract class with a Collide(cCollider* c) method. My cPlayer class inherits from cCollider and cMsg<cCollider*>::cHandler. Now, in the cPlayer::ProcessMsgs() method, it can call Collide(msgQueue.top().GetData()); because it knows that every msg in that queue contains a collider pointer. And it knows this at compile time, so I don't have to spend processor time checking the type. The only thing in that specific msgQueue will be those types of messages.

One oddity that I have with this system (I know you all have problems, but I mean ones that don't involve changing the design) is that the static std::list<cHandler*> handlerList member of cMsg<>::cHandler will need to be instantiated for each new type of cMsg that you template. Hence the nasty macro at the top (again, tested, it works...). I am still trying to find an elegant and safe way to do this, and might update later when I have one, if I haven't scrapped this idea by then.

Wow, that was a longass post. Again, thanks for your feedback, as it keeps me thinking. I still think there is promise in this approach, I just hafta try before I know for sure.

- Enosch

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