Help! how do I Set the camera using thumbstick data?

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0 comments, last by Bob Janova 17 years, 12 months ago
Hi, Here is my problem. I have a simple function to set the camera postion(move the player) This function is normally called like this this. Camera.SetCamera(PlayerPosition.x, PlayerPosition.y, PlayerPosition.z, PlayerPosition.x + System.Math.Cos(PlayerAngleY), PlayerPosition.y + System.Math.Sin(PlayerAngleX), PlayerPosition.z + System.Math.Sin(PlayerAngleY)) The data from my game controller (xbox 360 controller for windows) looks like this. Left thumbstick Z is always 5000 X is an integer from 0 to 10000 Y is an integer from 0 to 10000 Right thumbstick X is an integer from 0 or 10000 Y is an integer from 0 or 10000 Thanks for your help.
Well, it depends what you want the camera to do when the player moves their thumb! A common thing on a console would be to treat the left analogue stick (PS2 terminology)/thumbstick as a mouse, so high X rotates to the right etc.

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