=Error accessing memory address 0x0: Bad address.

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10 comments, last by xEricx 17 years, 11 months ago
I am so sick and tired of these errors. What the hell is causing them? I know that they're pointer related.

Data *tempData=new Data;
tempData->Set( "system/db/" + controlParameter->Get("db") + "/config.cgi" );

#if !defined(DATA)
#define DATA

#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>

#include "Singleton.h"
#include "Algorithms.h"
#include "Config.h"

#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/map.hpp>
//#include "CaseInsensitiveMapOrder.h"

#pragma comment(lib, "libboost_serialization-vc71-sgd.lib")

class Data : public Config{
		void Set(std::string filePath);
		void Set(std::string key, std::string value);
		void Save();
	//end public:

		std::string filePath;

#if !defined(CONFIG)
#define CONFIG

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>

#include "Singleton.h"
#include "Algorithms.h"

class Config{
		void Set(std::string path);
		void Set(std::string key, std::string value);
		void Save();

		std::map <std::string, std::string> Get();
		std::map <std::string, std::string>* pGet();
		std::string Get(std::string& key);
		std::string Get(const std::string& key);
	//end public:

		std::string filePath;
		std::map <std::string, std::string> config;
	//end private:

void Data::Set( std::string path ){
	filePath=path; //ERROR
        // create and open an archive for input
        std::ifstream ifs(filePath.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
        boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs);
        // read class state from archive
        ia >> config;
        // archive and stream closed when destructors are called

	for( std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator it = config.begin(); it != config.end(); it++) {
		config[(*it).first] = algorithms::Instance().XOR_String( (*it).second,'a' );

	if( config["count"] == "" || !boost::algorithm::all(config["count"], boost::algorithm::is_digit()) )
	if ( config["downcount"] == "" || !boost::algorithm::all(config["downcount"], boost::algorithm::is_digit()) )


#24 0x08062c67 in Data::Set (this=0x80b0c60, path=Error accessing memory address 0x0: Bad address. ) at Data.cpp:18 #25 0x08081c95 in Control::DisplayCont (this=0x80aa080) at Control.cpp:76 #26 0x0804d722 in main (argc=4, argv=0xbfbfec18) at new_shenu.cpp:46
And what's the value of controlParameter?
controlParameter->Get("db") returns the string "main" and yes I have tested that already.

There seems to be NO problem with the source file that I've provided. seriously LOL
and I know this problem will sooner or later be solved, because I always solve them by either dismantling my whole project ( total project size = 120k w/ 34 files and 15 classes ) or by debugging using std::cout ( which sometimes I think the cout method takes much longer )

I spend the whole day trying to find one bug.
Somebody NEEDS to recommend me some better debugging methods and also how to avoid those "Error accessing memory address 0x0: Bad address errors." b/c I get these errors every week.

As pointed out, this is mostly likely caused by ControlParameter being NULL at the time you called Get(). That would usualy be the case if an initialization of the class failed during runtime. You should check to make sure the class was actualy create after its creation, C++ makes this easy as you can just check to make sure that it was true, something like the following.

ControlParameter control_parameter = System.GetCP();
throw SomeException;
I have no idea what you mean by what you just said, but the other possibility is that the tempdata constructor failed, and you can test for that as I pointed out. But I have never encountered that in practice either.
This is the whole Data.h source file.
the Data Class is a subclass of the Config class,
and filePath is a protected member variable of the Config class.
caused the problem?

#include "Data.h"typedef Singleton<Algorithms> algorithms;Data::Data(){	filePath="";}void Data::Set( std::string key, std::string value ){	config[key]=value;}void Data::Set( std::string path ){	filePath=path;	{        // create and open an archive for input        std::ifstream ifs(filePath.c_str(), std::ios::binary);        boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs);        // read class state from archive        ia >> config;        // archive and stream closed when destructors are called    }	for( std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator it = config.begin(); it != config.end(); it++) {		config[(*it).first] = algorithms::Instance().XOR_String( (*it).second,'a' );	}	if( config["count"] == "" || !boost::algorithm::all(config["count"], boost::algorithm::is_digit()) )		Set("count","0");	if ( config["downcount"] == "" || !boost::algorithm::all(config["downcount"], boost::algorithm::is_digit()) )		Set("downcount","0");}void Data::Save(){	if( filePath != "" ){		algorithms::Instance().SaveBinary(filePath,&config);	}}

So it is pretty clear by now that it's either,
tempData failed to initialize
controlParameter is NULL.

but I know that controlParameter is not NULL so it is most likely to be tempData.
... which you can check by using the debugger ...
Generally, what causes the Error accessing memory address 0x0: Bad address. error?
Trying to access memory with null pointer.

Anyway, I found out what was causing this
		std::ofstream ofs( filePath.c_str() );		{			 boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(ofs);			// write class instance to archive			oa << mapData;		}

edit:It was a very simple problem and I freaked out again. Sorry about that.

the path of filePath did not exist, so I had to do a check, if the file exists
ifstream(filePath.cstr()) {
//do whatever

Why is the ofstream part of the std when it crashes like that? lol
they should've done a check. no?
please note that I'm not blaming std for this, just curious..

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