Sprites disappear after about 4-5 seconds (Fixed!)

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10 comments, last by Zahlman 17 years, 11 months ago
Alright, I think I see it now. Seems private/protected is pretty much a way to really organize code, in the simliest sense. Thanks for all the help, I learned alot today ^_^.
Some cleanup, to make use of RAII, the initializer list, etc.

// A wrapper for D3DXVECTOR2 to make them easier to initialize.struct vec2 : public D3DXVECTOR2 {  vec2(float x, float y) {    // I don't think this can be done via the initializer list, unfortunately.    this->x = x;    this->y = y;  }};class Sprite {  // A helper cleanup function.  // You'll also find this useful if you end up implementing a copy constructor  // and or assignment operator. For now I've assumed that Sprite objects should  // not be copied at all. To make the compiler enforce this, declare those  // functions in the private section and don't implement them, thus:  Sprite(const Sprite&);  Sprite& operator=(const Sprite&);  // Oh yeah, that cleanup function :)  void cleanup() {    if(m_pSprite) { m_pSprite->Release(); }    if(m_pTexture) { m_pTexture->Release(); }  }  protected:  LPD3DXSPRITE m_pSprite; // ID3DXSprite  LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 m_pTexture; // sprites texture  public:  // I typically define constructors and destructors inline. You don't have to.  // Note that to avoid having the Sprite class dependant on ("coupled to") the  // main module, I've provided the device as a parameter. You'll be grateful  // for this later if you ever need a second LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9.  Sprite(const char* pathname, LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 dev) : m_pSprite(0), m_pTexture(0), m_RotCenter(0.0f, 0.0f), m_Translation(0.0f, 0.0f), m_Scaling(1.0f, 1.0f), m_ModulateColor(D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,255,255)), m_Rotation(0.0f) {    // We shouldn't create the object if we can't get a valid texture and sprite.    if (FAILED(D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(dev, pathname, &m_pTexture)) ||        !m_pTexture) {      throw std::exception("Could not load texture into memory");      // TODO: Make own exception type for this.    }    if(FAILED(D3DXCreateSprite(g_pd3ddevi, &m_pSprite)) || !m_pSprite) {      // Note: need to clean up the texture!      cleanup();      throw std::exception("Could not create the new ID3DXSprite Object");      // Same TODO here.    }  }  ~Sprite() { cleanup(); }  vec2 m_RotCenter; // center position  vec2 m_Translation; // translation factor  vec2 m_Scaling; // scaling factor  float m_Rotation; // angle of rotation  D3DCOLOR m_ModulateColor; // the color to modulate with the sprite  bool Render(int x, int y); // renders at a location  bool Render();};// Render the sprite at a location.// Don't need to check validity of pointers; the constructor made sure of them.bool Sprite::Render(int x, int y) {  vec2 tmp = m_Translation;  m_Translation = vec2(x, y);  boolean result = Render();  m_Translation = tmp; // restore the old translation.  return result;}// Render the sprite at its stored location.bool Sprite::Render() {  m_pSprite->Begin();  bool success = !FAILED(m_pSprite->Draw(m_pTexture, NULL, &m_Scaling,                                          &m_RotCenter, m_Rotation,                                         &m_Translation, m_ModulateColor));  // Clean up unconditionally  m_pSprite->End();  return success;}// There's too much body code for me to clean up, but example usages then go like:vector<Sprite> tryCreatingAllSprites(const vector<string>& names) {  vector<Sprite> result;  for (vector<string>::iterator it = names.begin();       it != names.end(); ++it) {    try {      result.push_back(Sprite(*it, g_pd3ddevi));    } catch (std::exception& e) {      MessageBox(0, e.what(), "error", 0);    }  }  // The 'results' now contains Sprite objects corresponding only to those  // files which were successfully loaded.  return result;}// Or, for working with a single Sprite, and assuming the creation succeeds...Sprite x("Sprite bird front.png", g_pd3ddevi);x.Render(); // at 0,0, because we didn't set it yetx.m_Translation = vec2(40, 40);x.Render(); // at 40, 40x.Render(123, 456); // at 123, 456x.Render(); // at 40, 40 again!

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