Classes, comparing data

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6 comments, last by evilsanta 17 years, 11 months ago
Hi, im trying to add collisions between 2 classes, enemies and bullets, they are held in a vector but I am wondering, how would I go about checking collisions? (Well comparing their x&y variables)...
You could override the == operator, have the bullet class as on side and the bad guy class as the other. In the override have it test the vectors and see if they are equal, if they are then a hit and it returns true...

Sorry not sure I understand, keep in mind you are talking to a C++ noob... so you may have to over explain things... ;)
Do a search on operator overloading and c++, you will find tons on information, if you still have problems we can help ya out.

Thanks much, ill do that. :)
I would suggest that you do not overload an operator for collision detection. It is better to leave operators for intuitive operations. If I saw a test with enemy == bullet, it isn't obvious to me that you are performing collision detection. A better way would be to create a method in the Enemy class like canHit(Bullet) or isHit(Bullet), and perform the test there. This way your intention is clearer.

Quote:Original post by jjd
I would suggest that you do not overload an operator for collision detection. It is better to leave operators for intuitive operations. If I saw a test with enemy == bullet, it isn't obvious to me that you are performing collision detection. A better way would be to create a method in the Enemy class like canHit(Bullet) or isHit(Bullet), and perform the test there. This way your intention is clearer.

I second that, you should definitely, in my opinion, just make a function called Hit or isHit, or something like that. For example (pseudo-c++ code):

//this would be in the enemy classbool isHit(bullet* projectile){ //this ptr used for clarity, not needed if ( this->x == projectile->x && this->y == projectile->y ) {   return true; //collision } return false; //no collisions occured}

with something like that, you could check collision for each bullet, against each enemy, by doing something like this:
//assuming a std::vector of enemies calles "enemies"//and a std::vector of bullets called "bullets"for (std::vector<enemy*>::iterator it = enemies.begin();                                  it != enemies.end();                                  ++it ){  for (std::vector<bullet*>::iterator blt = bullets.begin();                                    blt != bullets.end();                                    ++blt )  {    (*it)->isHit(*blt); //check if bullet hit enemy  }}
Thanks for the replies, I am still having trouble getting my head around OOP, and I keep on getting countless errors, I tried the best to implement what you said...

#include <allegro.h>#include <vector>   // To use the vector class#include <algorithm>    // To use for_each#include <functional>   // To use mem_fun_ref#include "siheader.h"using namespace std;void init();void deinit();int main() {	init();    vector<Ship> ships;    vector<bullet> bullets;   // Create a new ship and add it to the end of the vector   for (int x=50; x<750; x=x+35) {       for (int y=20; y<200; y=y+35) {           ships.push_back( Ship(x, y) );       }   }    //playervariables   int player_x=400;   int player_y=500;   BITMAP *playerImage;   playerImage = load_bitmap( "test.bmp", NULL);      BITMAP *backGround;   backGround = load_bitmap( "back.bmp", NULL);       	while (!key[KEY_ESC]) {		acquire_screen();		draw_sprite(screen, backGround, 0,0);		if (key[KEY_RIGHT]) {           player_x=player_x+4;        }		if (key[KEY_LEFT]){           if (player_x > 0){              player_x=player_x-4;           }        }		if (key[KEY_SPACE]) {           bullets.push_back( bullet(player_x, player_y) );        }        for (int i = 0; i < ships.size(); i++) {            ships.update();        }        for (int i = 0; i < bullets.size(); i++) {            bullets.update();            bullets.isDestroyed();        }                        for (std::vector<Ship*>::iterator it = ships.begin();                                  it != ships.end();                                  ++it ){  for (std::vector<bullet*>::iterator blt = bullets.begin();                                    blt != bullets.end();                                    ++blt )  {    (*it)->isHit(*blt); //check if bullet hit enemy  }}		//for_each(ships.begin(), ships.end(), mem_fun_ref(&Ship::update));		//for_each(bullets.begin(), bullets.end(), mem_fun_ref(&bullet::update));           //bullets.erase(remove_if(bullets.begin(), bullets.end(), mem_fun_ref(&bullet::isDestroyed)), bullets.end());		rotate_sprite(screen, playerImage, player_x+100, player_y-100, itofix(player_x));				draw_sprite(screen, playerImage, player_x, player_y);	        textout_ex(screen, font, "BLAH", 10, 590,makecol(255, 255, 255), -1);		release_screen();	}	deinit();	return 0;}END_OF_MAIN()void init() {	int depth, res;	allegro_init();	depth = desktop_color_depth();	if (depth == 0) depth = 32;	set_color_depth(depth);	res = set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 800, 600, 0, 0);	if (res != 0) {		allegro_message(allegro_error);		exit(-1);	}	install_timer();	install_keyboard();	install_mouse();	/* add other initializations here */}void deinit() {	clear_keybuf();	/* add other deinitializations here */}

And the header file...

class Ship {private:       // We don't want external code to access the coordinates directly   int x, y;public:        // We do want external code to be able to call these functions   // This creates a Ship object with the appropriate coordinates   Ship(int xpos,int ypos) :       x(xpos),  // Sets the ship's x to xpos      y(ypos)   // Sets the ship's y to ypos   {      // No code is currently required here.       // Things may change as your class grows.   }   void update() {      circlefill( screen, x, y, 15, makecol(255,255,255));     if (mouse_b & 1) {        y=y+1;     }        }   bool isHit(bullet* bullet) {      //this ptr used for clarity, not needed      if ( this->x == bullet->x && this->y == bullet->y ) {         return true; //collision      }         return false; //no collisions occured      }};class bullet {private:       // We don't want external code to access the coordinates directly   int x, y;public:        // We do want external code to be able to call these functions   // This creates a Ship object with the appropriate coordinates   bullet(int xpos,int ypos) :       x(xpos),      y(ypos)    {      // No code is currently required here.       // Things may change as your class grows.   }   bool isDestroyed() {       if (y<-10) {          return true;       }       return false;   }   void update() {      circlefill( screen, x, y, 15, makecol(255,255,255));     y=y-5;       //if (y<400) {      //x=0;      //y=0;     //}   }};

How do I get it working? Ive been trying at this for a long time and if I always understand it better if I see a working example.

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