What Does '*' Mean?

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5 comments, last by Grantyt3 17 years, 11 months ago
When declaring certain variables, it seems that you have to add a * at the end of the type, for example : SDL_Surface* mainScreen; What does that asterisk do?
It means that the variable is a pointer to that type.
it means POINTER

so this variable can store an address of another variable (or structure in this case) of the same type.

read more here: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/pointers.html
* have a couple of meanings depending on when and how it is used.

int * ptr_mine; means you are creating a pointer to an int.

int c = *ptr_mine, mean you are depreicating the pointer, getting the value that the pointer points to and not the value of the pointer itself.

In your case SDL_Surface* mainScreen; is a pointer to the type SDL_Surface, remember a pointer is just a memory address that "point" the variable you are using, it is NOT the variable

Quote:Original post by TheTroll
int c = *ptr_mine, mean you are depreicating the pointer, getting the value that the pointer points to and not the value of the pointer itself.

You mean dereferencing, I think. To "deprecate" is the gradual phasing-out of obsolete functionality.
Yeah that is what I ment. It has been many years since I took a class in C, guess my terms are a little messed up.

Oh, I get it. Thanks!

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