multiple uv coords in .x file?

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2 comments, last by datadawgx 17 years, 11 months ago
hey guys I want to single-pass multitexture a .x mesh using a different set of uv coordinates than that mesh defines. the goal of this is to eliminate the illusion of tiling. how could i go about drawing my second texture this way? i don't see how =/ is there a better way to multitexture? -Sean
bump? anyone?
I had the same problem when i was working with lightmaps...create another vertex definition that includes the secondary uv channel, something like this:
struct VERT{    D3DVECTOR  pos;     D3DVECTOR  normal;    float u, v;           float u2, v2;    };#define MESH_FVF (D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_TEX1 | D3DFVF_TEX2 | D3DFVF_NORMAL)

then clone your mesh using this fvf and fill the texture coords :)
omg that's a fantastic idea. i never tried cloning a mesh before, so i never considered it. thanks b3rs3rk!

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