easy camera rotation

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1 comment, last by zahidayar 17 years, 10 months ago
hello, how can i rotate the first person view when i press the right or left keys on the keyboard? currently this is the code im using but it doesnt do well after rotating really far left or right: else if ( e.KeyCode == Keys.Left ) this.cameraTarget.X--; else if ( e.KeyCode == Keys.Right ) this.cameraTarget.X++; the code basically changes the camera target of the device's view transform: device.Transform.View = Matrix.LookAtLH( this.cameraLocation , this.cameraTarget , new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); any suggestions would be appreciated... thanks for your time, Zahid [Edited by - zahidayar on May 24, 2006 3:12:31 PM]
Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammad----------------------------------------------------------By Time! Verily mankind is in loss! Except the ones who have Iman, and do righteous deeds, and advise one another towards truth, and advise one another towards patience. Quran 103:1-3. ----------------------------------------------------------Muhammed Zahid AyarSoftware Engineerzahid@ayar.org1-518-466-5631www.ayar.org----------------------------------------------------------Organize your information and knowledge with nelements.net !
Here's the code I'm using right now that takes the relative mouse input from DirectInput, but the process can use any input.

void SimCamera::Rotate(SimInput *p_input){	D3DXVECTOR3 vDirection, vRotAxis;	D3DXMATRIX matRotAxis, matRotZ;	D3DXVec3Normalize(&vDirection, &(look - eye));	D3DXVec3Cross(&vRotAxis, &up, &vDirection);	D3DXVec3Normalize(&vRotAxis, &vRotAxis);	D3DXMatrixRotationAxis(&matRotAxis, &vRotAxis, p_input->GetRelativeY() / 200);	D3DXMatrixRotationY(&matRotZ, p_input->GetRelativeX() / 200);	D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&vDirection, &vDirection, &(matRotAxis * matRotZ));	look = eye + vDirection;}
thanks a lot for the help Nick!

i was able to successfully rotate the camera along the Y axis by translating your code to c#:

else if ( e.KeyCode == Keys.Left )
Vector3 movementDirectionVector = Vector3.Normalize ( this.cameraTarget - this.cameraLocation );
Vector3 rotationAxisVector = Vector3.Cross ( this.cameraUpOrientation , movementDirectionVector );
rotationAxisVector = Vector3.Normalize ( rotationAxisVector );

Matrix rotationMatrix = Matrix.RotationY ( -.07F );
movementDirectionVector = Vector3.TransformCoordinate ( movementDirectionVector , rotationMatrix );
this.cameraTarget = this.cameraLocation + movementDirectionVector;


else if ( e.KeyCode == Keys.Right )
Vector3 movementDirectionVector = Vector3.Normalize ( this.cameraTarget - this.cameraLocation );
Vector3 rotationAxisVector = Vector3.Cross ( this.cameraUpOrientation , movementDirectionVector );
rotationAxisVector = Vector3.Normalize ( rotationAxisVector );

Matrix rotationMatrix = Matrix.RotationY ( .07F );
movementDirectionVector = Vector3.TransformCoordinate ( movementDirectionVector , rotationMatrix );
this.cameraTarget = this.cameraLocation + movementDirectionVector;
Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammad----------------------------------------------------------By Time! Verily mankind is in loss! Except the ones who have Iman, and do righteous deeds, and advise one another towards truth, and advise one another towards patience. Quran 103:1-3. ----------------------------------------------------------Muhammed Zahid AyarSoftware Engineerzahid@ayar.org1-518-466-5631www.ayar.org----------------------------------------------------------Organize your information and knowledge with nelements.net !

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